
EDTE252 – Curriculum and Teaching in the Primary School 2

2016 – S2 Day

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff
Neil Harrison
Noel West
Mandy Yeates
Melissa Cairn
Hye Eun Chu
Susan Taylor
Michelle Stathakis
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
EDTE251 or TEP318(P)
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
This unit is the second in a sequence of six primary curriculum units and provides further development in the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning in the primary school. The lectures and workshops focus on the syllabus scope and structure, content and skills of the key learning areas of Science and Technology, and History and Geography.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.
  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,
  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Due
Assignment 1: Presentation 30% week 7
Children’s construction of sci 35% Friday 28 October 2016
Examination 35% 25/11/15

Assignment 1: Presentation

Due: week 7
Weighting: 30%

  • plan a sequence of 3 lessons (one lesson per individual) for the interactive whiteboard which develops the student’s knowledge and understanding of Australian history. These activities must include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures (see Harrison & Sellwood, 2016), 

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.
  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,
  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Children’s construction of sci

Due: Friday 28 October 2016
Weighting: 35%

Lesson Plans (approx. 1000 words)

  1. Identify one scientific concept and one outcome from the NSW Science K-10 Syllabus.
  2. Design three lessons to demonstrate how using kitchen materials would develop students’ understanding of the scientific concept (Use Skamp and Preston along with other literature).
  3. The three (3) lessons (with information on use of the kitchen materials) are:
  • the 1st lesson is to elicit students’ prior knowledge and understanding of the scientific concept and any alternative conceptions they hold;
  • the 2nd lesson is to develop the students’ experience and understanding of the scientific concept; and
  • the 3rd lesson is to assist students’ construction of a scientific understanding of the concept and their application of this understanding to other situations.
  • 4. Include a photographic record of each activity (minimum of four images for each) with a short description of each image to show materials used and the way the science concept is being developed.

Justification (approx. 1000 words)

  1.  Justify the value of the three lessons in modifying the students’ construction of a scientific understanding of the concept and the students’ application of this understanding to other situations
  2. Explain your choice of the scientific concept and the connection between the three lessons and the syllabus outcome
  3. Discuss the importance of using everyday resources to assist students in making connections to real life applications.
  4. Analyse the way your understanding of teaching scientific concepts has expanded through the development of these lessons and your examination of the literature.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.
  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,
  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement


Due: 25/11/15
Weighting: 35%

A formal two hour examination covering the content of the lectures delivered in the unit. Students are therefore expected to have a sound understanding of the knowledge content of the NSW BOS Syllabus: History, Geography (including Civics and Citizenship), and Science and IT. They are also expected to know how to teach that content. A sound understanding of the cross-curriculum priority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures will also be examined.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.
  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,

Delivery and Resources

posted online

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Academic Honesty Policy

New Assessment Policy in effect from Session 2 2016 For more information visit

Assessment Policy prior to Session 2 2016

Grading Policy prior to Session 2 2016

Grade Appeal Policy

Complaint Management Procedure for Students and Members of the Public​

Disruption to Studies Policy The Disruption to Studies Policy is effective from March 3 2014 and replaces the Special Consideration Policy.

In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results shown in iLearn, or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

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Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

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IT Help

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When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Graduate Capabilities

Creative and Innovative

Our graduates will also be capable of creative thinking and of creating knowledge. They will be imaginative and open to experience and capable of innovation at work and in the community. We want them to be engaged in applying their critical, creative thinking.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci
  • Examination

Capable of Professional and Personal Judgement and Initiative

We want our graduates to have emotional intelligence and sound interpersonal skills and to demonstrate discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgement. They will exercise initiative as needed. They will be capable of risk assessment, and be able to handle ambiguity and complexity, enabling them to be adaptable in diverse and changing environments.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci

Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills

Our graduates will take with them the intellectual development, depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content in their chosen fields to make them competent and confident in their subject or profession. They will be able to demonstrate, where relevant, professional technical competence and meet professional standards. They will be able to articulate the structure of knowledge of their discipline, be able to adapt discipline-specific knowledge to novel situations, and be able to contribute from their discipline to inter-disciplinary solutions to problems.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci
  • Examination

Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

We want our graduates to be capable of reasoning, questioning and analysing, and to integrate and synthesise learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments; to be able to critique constraints, assumptions and limitations; to be able to think independently and systemically in relation to scholarly activity, in the workplace, and in the world. We want them to have a level of scientific and information technology literacy.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • 1. demonstrate a developing knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content and requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship, and Science and IT
  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.
  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci
  • Examination

Problem Solving and Research Capability

Our graduates should be capable of researching; of analysing, and interpreting and assessing data and information in various forms; of drawing connections across fields of knowledge; and they should be able to relate their knowledge to complex situations at work or in the world, in order to diagnose and solve problems. We want them to have the confidence to take the initiative in doing so, within an awareness of their own limitations.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • 2. demonstrate understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, and understand scientific concepts from Indigenous perspectives.

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci
  • Examination

Effective Communication

We want to develop in our students the ability to communicate and convey their views in forms effective with different audiences. We want our graduates to take with them the capability to read, listen, question, gather and evaluate information resources in a variety of formats, assess, write clearly, speak effectively, and to use visual communication and communication technologies as appropriate.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • 3. integrate ICT with a focus on using the IWB creatively across History, Geography, Civics & Citzenship and Science,
  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci
  • Examination

Socially and Environmentally Active and Responsible

We want our graduates to be aware of and have respect for self and others; to be able to work with others as a leader and a team player; to have a sense of connectedness with others and country; and to have a sense of mutual obligation. Our graduates should be informed and active participants in moving society towards sustainability.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • 4. devise and implement a range of effective classroom management strategies, with a focus on voice projection, and student engagement

Assessment tasks

  • Assignment 1: Presentation
  • Children’s construction of sci