
PSYO915 – Organisational Change and Development

2018 – S2 Day

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Senior Lecturer
Mel Taylor
Contact via 02 9850 8105
Room 505, C3A
By appointment
Deanna Paulin
Contact via 02 8281 8001
By appointment
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Admission to MOrgPsych
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
This unit is designed to enable students to acquire the knowledge necessary to identify the need for organisational change, establish the principles of organisational change from an organisational psychological perspective, and evaluate the outcomes of organisational change, particularly in terms of the psychological demands on workers. Students will be introduced to survey design and development to meet a range of purposes and will learn about the practical aspects of survey administration.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Describe theories and models of change management and organisational development
  • Describe the differences between individual, group, and organisational-wide approaches to organisational change and development interventions
  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate a basic level of interpersonal skills that enable effective oral and written communication with organisational clients throughout a change/development process.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

General Assessment Information

All assessments are to be submitted through iLearn. Instructions are available under 'Assignments' on the iLearn unit website.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Assessment 1 40% No TBA
Assessment 2 60% No TBA

Assessment 1

Due: TBA
Weighting: 40%

This will assess student skill and understanding in a range of areas related to organisational change and development survey design, administration, and reporting.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

Assessment 2

Due: TBA
Weighting: 60%

The case study analysis is intended to link culture and culture change theories with organisational development interventions in a real business situation. It highlights the practical and theoretical issues involved in identifying cultural challenges and designing and implementing a culture change intervention.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Describe theories and models of change management and organisational development
  • Describe the differences between individual, group, and organisational-wide approaches to organisational change and development interventions
  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate a basic level of interpersonal skills that enable effective oral and written communication with organisational clients throughout a change/development process.

Delivery and Resources

This unit is taught via on-campus workshops (3 x 7 hours per workshop). The time and venue information for on-campus classes can be obtained through the university’s timetable site.

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Learning objectives and assessment activities are based on the requirements of a minimum 80% class attendance.

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central ( Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Undergraduate students seeking more policy resources can visit the Student Policy Gateway ( It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

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Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:​


Results shown in iLearn, or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( provides academic writing resources and study strategies to improve your marks and take control of your study.

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

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IT Help

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Graduate Capabilities

PG - Capable of Professional and Personal Judgment and Initiative

Our postgraduates will demonstrate a high standard of discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgment. They will have the ability to make informed choices and decisions that reflect both the nature of their professional work and their personal perspectives.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate a basic level of interpersonal skills that enable effective oral and written communication with organisational clients throughout a change/development process.

Assessment task

  • Assessment 2

PG - Discipline Knowledge and Skills

Our postgraduates will be able to demonstrate a significantly enhanced depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content knowledge in their chosen fields.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Describe theories and models of change management and organisational development
  • Describe the differences between individual, group, and organisational-wide approaches to organisational change and development interventions
  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

Assessment tasks

  • Assessment 1
  • Assessment 2

PG - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

Our postgraduates will be capable of utilising and reflecting on prior knowledge and experience, of applying higher level critical thinking skills, and of integrating and synthesising learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments. A characteristic of this form of thinking is the generation of new, professionally oriented knowledge through personal or group-based critique of practice and theory.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

Assessment tasks

  • Assessment 1
  • Assessment 2

PG - Research and Problem Solving Capability

Our postgraduates will be capable of systematic enquiry; able to use research skills to create new knowledge that can be applied to real world issues, or contribute to a field of study or practice to enhance society. They will be capable of creative questioning, problem finding and problem solving.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Select and apply an appropriate theory/model to a given organisational change/development scenario
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

Assessment tasks

  • Assessment 1
  • Assessment 2

PG - Effective Communication

Our postgraduates will be able to communicate effectively and convey their views to different social, cultural, and professional audiences. They will be able to use a variety of technologically supported media to communicate with empathy using a range of written, spoken or visual formats.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Describe theories and models of change management and organisational development
  • Describe the differences between individual, group, and organisational-wide approaches to organisational change and development interventions
  • Describe evidence-based approaches to diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating organisational change/development interventions
  • Demonstrate a basic level of competence in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating an organisational change/development intervention
  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate a basic level of interpersonal skills that enable effective oral and written communication with organisational clients throughout a change/development process.

Assessment task

  • Assessment 2

PG - Engaged and Responsible, Active and Ethical Citizens

Our postgraduates will be ethically aware and capable of confident transformative action in relation to their professional responsibilities and the wider community. They will have a sense of connectedness with others and country and have a sense of mutual obligation. They will be able to appreciate the impact of their professional roles for social justice and inclusion related to national and global issues

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the ethical issues and other risks that may arise when conducting organisational change and development projects in organisational settings, and how to appropriately manage them.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations required when designing, administering, and reporting surveys in an organisational setting

Assessment task

  • Assessment 1