
ECED724 – Early Childhood Development Research and Practice

2019 – S2 Day

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Convener
Carol Newall
Contact via Dialogue on iLearn
Talia Morris
Contact via Dialogue on ilearn
Signe Duff
Contact via Dialogue on iLearn
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Admission to MRes
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
This unit is designed to extend students' understanding of child development with a particular emphasis on approaches to understanding and measuring child development, considerations for quality in early childhood education and implications for early childhood policy and practice. Recent research studies of child development especially in relation to prior-to-school settings will be used as a major resource for examining contemporary theory and research in child development. Students will analyse research to develop their skills in using evidence-based approaches to inform policy and practice related to working with young children and families.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice
  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).

General Assessment Information

Department Assessment Presentation & Submission Guidelines

Quiz Assessments

Online quizzes are an individual assessment task and MUST BE COMPLETED by each student individually. Similarities in responses between students will be checked and investigated for possible collusion. Please see the Academic Honesty Handbook for more information.

Please follow these guidelines when you submit each written assignment (excludes Assessment 2, the parent information task):

  • Allow a left and right-hand margin of at least 2cm in all assignments.
  • Please type all assignments using 12-point font and 2.0 spacing.
  • Essay must be submitted through turnitin in .doc or .pdf format for submission.
  • It is the onus of the student to ensure that all assessments are successfully submitted through Turnitin.
  • Faculty assignment cover sheets are NOT required for this unit.

Draft Submissions & Turnitin Originality Reports

  • Students may use Turnitin’s Originality Report as a learning tool to improve their academic writing if this option is made available in the unit.

  • Students are strongly encouraged to upload a draft copy of each assessment to Turnitin at least one week prior to the due date to obtain an Originality Report.

  • The Originality Report provides students with a similarity index that may indicate if plagiarism has occurred. Students will be able to make amendments to their drafts prior to their final submission on the due date

  • Generally, one Originality Report is generated every 24 hours up to the due date.

Please note:

  • Students should regularly save a copy of all assignments before submission,

  • Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no assessment will be accepted after the date that the assessment has been returned to other students.

  • Students are responsible for checking that their submission has been successful and has been submitted by the due date and time.

Final Submissions

  • Students are responsible for checking that their submission has been successful and has been submitted by the due date and time.
  • Late submissions due to last minute technical difficulties will incur a lateness penalty.

When preparing your assignments, it is essential that:

  • Students understand that lecturers, tutors, and conveners will not be able to read your draft assignment to provide guidance. However, please see Learning Skills for assessment support (under Policies and Procedures).
  • Students must retain a copy of all assignments before submission, and retain the copy until your final grade for the subject has been received;
  • Marks will be deducted if you submit your assessment late (refer to the ‘late assessments’ section below for more details);
  • Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no assessment will be accepted after the date that the assessment has been returned to other students.


  • No failed assessment may be re-submitted.
  • Note: Failed assessments cannot be re-marked as they are all double-marked as a part of the moderation process.  

  • Please note: The outcome of a re-mark may be a higher/lower or unchanged grade.

  • Grades are standards referenced and effort is NOT a criterion

  • Turnover time for the essay can take 4-6 weeks. The aim is for students to have at least the final grades of 2 assignments (Quiz and Essay) to facilitate exam planning and strategy.

University policy on grading

Criteria for awarding grades for assessment tasks. In order to meet the unit outcomes and successfully pass this unit, students must make a genuine attempt at all assessment tasks. Where any submitted assessment task is considered to be unsatisfactory in this regard, the highest possible final grade that can be awarded for the unit will be 45. 

Assignments will be awarded grades ranging from HD to F according to guidelines set out in the University's Grading Policy. The following descriptive criteria are included for your information.

Criteria for awarding grades in the unit

Students will be awarded grades ranging from HD to F according to guidelines set out in the policy:

The following generic grade descriptors provide university-wide standards for awarding final grades.





(High Distinction)

Provides consistent evidence of deep and critical understanding in relation to the learning outcomes. There is substantial originality and insight in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem solving approaches; critical evaluation of problems, their solutions and their implications; creativity in application as appropriate to the discipline.



Provides evidence of integration and evaluation of critical ideas, principles and theories, distinctive insight and ability in applying relevant skills and concepts in relation to learning outcomes. There is demonstration of frequent originality in defining and analysing issues or problems and providing solutions; and the use of means of communication appropriate to the discipline and the audience.



Provides evidence of learning that goes beyond replication of content knowledge or skills relevant to the learning outcomes. There is demonstration of substantial understanding of fundamental concepts in the field of study and the ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts; convincing argumentation with appropriate coherent justification; communication of ideas fluently and clearly in terms of the conventions of the discipline.



Provides sufficient evidence of the achievement of learning outcomes. There is demonstration of understanding and application of fundamental concepts of the field of study; routine argumentation with acceptable justification; communication of information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions of the discipline. The learning attainment is considered satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the specified outcomes



Does not provide evidence of attainment of learning outcomes. There is missing or partial or superficial or faulty understanding and application of the fundamental concepts in the field of study; missing, undeveloped, inappropriate or confusing argumentation; incomplete, confusing or lacking communication of ideas in ways that give little attention to the conventions of the discipline.


Assignment extensions and late penalties

Applications for extensions must be made via AskMQ at as a Special Consideration request before the submission date. Students who experience a disruption to their studies through ill-health or misadventure are able to apply for this request. Extensions can only be granted if they meet the Special Considerations policy and are submitted via This will ensure consistency in the consideration of such requests is maintained.

In general, there should be no need for extensions except through illness or misadventure that would be categorised as unavoidable disruption according to the University definition of same, see:

Late submissions without extension will receive a penalty of 5% reduction of the total possible mark for each day late (including weekends and public holidays). You are reminded that submitting even just 1 day late could be the difference between passing and failing a unit. Late penalties are applied by unit convenors or their delegates after tasks are assessed.

No assessable work will be accepted after the return/release of marked work on the same topic. If a student is still permitted to submit on the basis of unavoidable disruption, an alternative topic may be set.

Students should keep an electronic file of all assessments. Claims regarding "lost" assessments cannot be made if the file cannot be produced. It is also advisable to keep an electronic file of all drafts and the final submission on a USB untouched/unopened after submission. This can be used to demonstrate easily that the assessment has not been amended after the submission date.

Requesting a re-assessment of an assignment

If you have evidence that your task has been incorrectly assessed against the grade descriptors you can request a re-mark.  To request a re-assessment you need to contact the unit convenor within 10 days of the date of return of the assignment and provide a detailed assessment of your script against the task criteria. Evidence from your assignment must be provided to support your judgements.

Note: Failed assessments cannot be re-submitted as they are all double-marked as a part of the moderation process.

Please note: The outcome of a re-mark may be a higher/lower or unchanged grade. Grades are standards referenced and effort is NOT a criterion.

Academic Honesty Guidelines: 

You can find an Academic Integrity Guidebook on the unit's iLearn page. All assignments should cite and provide full bibliographical details of all material that you have used to inform or support your ideas. At the Department of Educational Studies, students are required to use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing procedures. Full details about how to cite and reference correctly can be found in Perrin (2015) and in the Academic Honesty Handbook.

The following guide can be purchased from the Co-op Bookshop. This is a required text: *

Perrin, R. (2015). Pocket guide to APA style (5th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Eligibility for a Passing Grade in the Unit

In order to receive a passing grade in this unit, you must meet the following criteria:

  • All assessment tasks must be submitted.
  • Receive an adequate total mark for the unit (i.e. your combined marks for the three pieces of assessment). In order to receive a grade of Pass, your total mark must be at least 50/100.

Note: If you miss one piece of work, you will fail the unit. If you have any missing items of assessment, it is your responsibility to make contact with the unit coordinator to determine whether it is possible to complete the unit in 2019. 


Results shown in iLearn, or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit



Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Topic quiz 20% No 30/8/2019
Research Translation Article 30% No 16/09/2019
Essay 50% No 11/10/2019

Topic quiz

Due: 30/8/2019
Weighting: 20%

Short answer and multiple choice questions on content from lectures and readings for topics 1 - 4, including Introductory Lecture on unit. 

NOTE: Online quizzes are an individual assessment task and MUST BE COMPLETED by each student individually

Due: Friday of Week 5, 2019. The online quiz will close that Friday night at midnight (when it turns over to Saturday). 

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments

Research Translation Article

Due: 16/09/2019
Weighting: 30%

This is an article, written in the style for the Conversation that translates latest research innovations or explains a popular concept through scientific findings for non-academic professionals and stakeholders (e.g., GPs, educators, and parents) with critical analysis. The topic must be in early childhood or child development (focused on under 12s).

The project includes a 100wd 'pitch' to the editor, and a 700wd main article.  

Due: Monday of mid-semester recess, 2019

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).


Due: 11/10/2019
Weighting: 50%

Select one key article from list of readings and two article from own search in the same topic. Critically analyse the three articles' scientific merit based on methodology, innovation, replicability, result interpretation and conceptual understanding of the topic. 

Due: Friday of Week 9, 2019

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice

Delivery and Resources

Teaching and Learning Strategy

This unit has been developed to provide a combination of direct experience, experience in communication of child development issues and concepts, and knowledge of current research in child development. Key content is delivered via online lectures and weekly readings. Internal students will explore issues related to each topic during seminars. External students will have the opportunity to discuss topics at the two voluntary on-campus sessions. 

iLearn and online delivery

This unit has a full web presence through iLearn ( Students will need regular access to a computer and the Internet to complete this unit. Weekly access to iLearn is compulsory for all students. Important assessment information will be posted here, as will other relevant unit notices and materials, including a reading template and guide to lecture note taking to assist your studies. 

Various activities and materials for discussion and critical reflection are included and external students especially are encouraged to use this web component. Electronic links and suggested references will be included in the Resources section. Please check the iLearn unit regularly.  


The unit comprises of weekly lectures and 2x 5hr seminar or on-campus attendance during the semester. In the seminars/on-campus days, students will discuss issues and questions arising from the lectures and prescribed readings. They are expected to base their arguments/discussions on evidence from published research and other relevant material. Attendance at all seminars/on-campus is expected.  

Students are required to participate in small group activities, whole class discussion, to read the weekly material in advance, and to complete brief tasks either as individuals or in pairs. The weekly program for the course with the accompanying readings/ preparation is available on the following pages or on the unit ILearn site.

Lectures and Required Readings

  • Weekly lectures are available on the web through the ECHO360 lecture component. PowerPoint slides are available in iLearn in advance of the weekly lecture and/or are available in the Active Learning Tool. 

  • Lectures will be pre-recorded. 

  • There is no textbook for this unit.  Essential weekly readings are listed with lecture sessions in iLearn. These readings will be available from e-Reserve in the university library or on the unit website or external websites. Please see the list of other recommended readings as well as the list of websites on the unit website to extend your understanding of unit content. 

Access and technical assistance  

Information for students about access to the online component of this unit is available at You will need to enter your student username and password. Please do NOT contact the Unit Convenor regarding iLearn technical help.  No extensions will be given for any technical issues. Allow enough time for your submissions.  

Assistance is available from IT Helpdesk ph: 1800 67 4357, or log a request at OneHelp is the online IT support service for both students and staff. 

This unit requires students to use several ICT and software skills: 

  • Internet access: The iLearn site contains materials for this unit; it is also required for the online submission of all Assessment Tasks, and for the use of Turnitin submission for ALL tasks.   

  • Word processing, visual representations, and document formatting: You are required to use an appropriate form of software to present your assignments.  

  • Uploading of assessment tasks to iLearn. 

Seminars and On-campus days

Internal Students

Seminar 1: 23 August 2019, Friday 9am to 3pm

Seminar 2: 18 October 2019, Friday 9am-3pm

External Students

On-campus 1: 24 August 2019, Saturday 10am to 4pm

On-campus 2: 19 October 2019, Saturday 10am to 4pm

Each session will be a chance to meet and discuss unit topics and requirements with the unit coordinator and other students as well as to share main points from unit readings and have the opportunity to engage in some of the seminar tasks. External students are welcome to attend the internal seminars (subject to availability), which will be identical to the on-campus days. However, please contact your convener to book a place for the seminars.



Unit Schedule

Unit Schedule, list of topics, full assignment instructions, rubric/criteria, readings, etc can be found on iLearn.







Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central ( Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Undergraduate students seeking more policy resources can visit the Student Policy Gateway ( It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

If you would like to see all the policies relevant to Learning and Teaching visit Policy Central (

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:​


Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact

Attendance of seminars and on-campus days. 

Please check for your seminars/on-campus days and locations. 

Activities completed during seminars (internal) or on campus days (external) are essential for building the core knowledge and/or skills required to demonstrate the learning outcomes of this unit [and to meet the AITSL Graduate Teacher Standards and/or ACECQA requirements]. Attendance at all seminars or on campus days is expected and the roll will be taken. 

Unit Expectations 

  • Students are expected to read weekly readings before completing tasks and attending tutorials 

  • Students are expected to listen/attend weekly lectures before completing tasks and attending tutorials 

Note: It is not the responsibility of unit staff to contact students who have failed to submit assignments.  If you have any missing items of assessment, it is your responsibility to make contact with the unit convenor. 

Electronic Communication 

It is the student’s responsibility to check all electronic communication on a regular weekly basis.  Communication may occur via: 

  • Official MQ Student Email Address 

  • The Dialogue function on iLearn 

  • Other iLearn communication functions 

External Students 

  1. The on-campus sessions are essential to student engagement and learning and attendance on all days is expected. Failure to attend or to have an approved Special Consideration, may result in a Fail grade for the unit. Please see attendance requirements in this unit guide.   

  2. Prior to the on-campus sessions, you should have read the prescribed readings and listened to the lectures. Summarise the main points, and make a note of the key terms and definitions. Prepare any discussion questions of your own that you wish to share. 

  3. Please make effective use of the online component of the unit and access iLearn regularly. Keep up to date with listening to the lectures on a weekly basis. 


Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( provides academic writing resources and study strategies to improve your marks and take control of your study.

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at

If you are a Global MBA student contact

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Graduate Capabilities

PG - Capable of Professional and Personal Judgment and Initiative

Our postgraduates will demonstrate a high standard of discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgment. They will have the ability to make informed choices and decisions that reflect both the nature of their professional work and their personal perspectives.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice
  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).

Assessment tasks

  • Research Translation Article
  • Essay

PG - Discipline Knowledge and Skills

Our postgraduates will be able to demonstrate a significantly enhanced depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content knowledge in their chosen fields.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice

Assessment tasks

  • Topic quiz
  • Research Translation Article
  • Essay

PG - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

Our postgraduates will be capable of utilising and reflecting on prior knowledge and experience, of applying higher level critical thinking skills, and of integrating and synthesising learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments. A characteristic of this form of thinking is the generation of new, professionally oriented knowledge through personal or group-based critique of practice and theory.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • (1) Demonstrate critical analytical and integrative thinking in applying developmental theory and research in early childhood
  • (2) Have a good understanding of child development theory to enable the critical assessment of children’s learning environments
  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice

Assessment tasks

  • Topic quiz
  • Essay

PG - Research and Problem Solving Capability

Our postgraduates will be capable of systematic enquiry; able to use research skills to create new knowledge that can be applied to real world issues, or contribute to a field of study or practice to enhance society. They will be capable of creative questioning, problem finding and problem solving.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).

Assessment tasks

  • Research Translation Article
  • Essay

PG - Effective Communication

Our postgraduates will be able to communicate effectively and convey their views to different social, cultural, and professional audiences. They will be able to use a variety of technologically supported media to communicate with empathy using a range of written, spoken or visual formats.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • (3) Use sound analytical skills and evidence from child development research to address everyday problems concerned with children’s early development
  • (4) Utilise child development knowledge in actively contributing to policy discussions concerning early childhood practice
  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).

Assessment tasks

  • Research Translation Article
  • Essay

PG - Engaged and Responsible, Active and Ethical Citizens

Our postgraduates will be ethically aware and capable of confident transformative action in relation to their professional responsibilities and the wider community. They will have a sense of connectedness with others and country and have a sense of mutual obligation. They will be able to appreciate the impact of their professional roles for social justice and inclusion related to national and global issues

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • (5) Communicate child development research effectively to other non-academic professionals and stakeholders (parents, educators).

Assessment task

  • Research Translation Article

Convener's Notes

Communication with staff

Types of Questions

Our team enjoys teaching and we love watching our students learn. Some questions that we love to see in our Dialogue boxes:

  • Is gender colour preference innate or learned? 
  • Do children understand the minds of other children better than minds of adults?
  • What is a good strategy for dealing with a child who has anxiety over class presentations?

Example questions we will NOT ANSWER

  • How much is the Essay worth?
  • When is the quiz due?
  • Are tutorials compulsory?
  • When will you finish grading our essays?

Rule of thumb: If it can be found in the Unit Guide or on the Unit's iLearn site, these questions will be ignored. It's not because we are trying to be mean or nasty. There are two major benefits when we ignore these questions:

  1. It encourages you to be an independent and competent learner, which is not only a major learning goal for all undergraduate students, but will help build your confidence, competence, and classroom readiness. 
  2. It frees your lecturers, tutors, and convener up to focus on the unit, rather than work as an administrative guide to the unit. That means we can devote our time to teaching according to our expertise.

Preferred Contact

All staff will only communicate via Dialogue on iLearn. We will not respond to emails. In fact, these emails get filtered to a far-flung archival folder so it is likely that your convenor will not see the email.  It allows us to control our communication so that our email inbox is not flooded with teaching questions from students, but also helps us organise our communication (e.g., many of us teach on more than one unit). To show that you have read your unit guides, please send me a photo of James McAvoy (the actor that plays Professor X in X-Men) in his most alluring pose. This may put you on my list of favourite students who have read their unit guides thoroughly to the end. 

Changes since First Published

Date Description
22/07/2019 Wrong date on Assessment 3. Thank you Emilia for picking this up!