
ANTH3022 – Gender, Sexuality and Global Health

2021 – Session 2, Weekday attendance, North Ryde

Session 2 Learning and Teaching Update

The decision has been made to conduct study online for the remainder of Session 2 for all units WITHOUT mandatory on-campus learning activities. Exams for Session 2 will also be online where possible to do so.

This is due to the extension of the lockdown orders and to provide certainty around arrangements for the remainder of Session 2. We hope to return to campus beyond Session 2 as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Some classes/teaching activities cannot be moved online and must be taught on campus. You should already know if you are in one of these classes/teaching activities and your unit convenor will provide you with more information via iLearn. If you want to confirm, see the list of units with mandatory on-campus classes/teaching activities.

Visit the MQ COVID-19 information page for more detail.

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit lecturer and administrator
Siobhan Irving
By appointment; please e-mail
Lisa Wynn
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
130cp at 1000 level or above
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
Anthropologists understand gender as the meanings that a particular society gives to the physical or biological traits that differentiate males and females. This unit will explore how cultural norms around gender and sexuality have defined, constructed, constrained, or expanded people's notions of self, their bodies, and their health in specific sociocultural contexts. The anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality, as well as health, provides a fresh lens on what appears, when viewed in terms of international politics, as 'global imperatives' - the imperative to control female sexuality and population, for example, or to categorise male and femaleness, or to control disease epidemics such as AIDS. Every one of these imperatives in fact is mediated and refracted through understandings and meanings that cling to what is most immediate and local to each of us, namely, our bodies. Anthropology understands these meanings as simultaneously symbolic, biological and existential, but the meanings are also historically and culturally specific. Gender, sexuality, and health are always mediated by the local, even as people absorb and adapt new global discourses about their sexual identity and wellbeing.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Demonstrate an anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality as sociocultural constructs.
  • ULO2: Articulate the ways that sociocultural norms around gender and sexuality shape health outcomes.
  • ULO3: Demonstrate a critical understanding of how the intersection of culture, health and sexuality can underpin vulnerability to sexual and reproductive health problems as well as shape the implementation of government and donor policies and interventions.
  • ULO4: Critically and reflexively analyse the role of global markets, rise of human capital, increased mobility and structural inequalities in creating disparities in sexual and reproductive health conditions.
  • ULO5: Analyse the relationship between gender, sexuality and health in global discourses of development and international aid.

General Assessment Information

Late Assessment Submission Penalty

Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, (a) a penalty for lateness will apply – 10 marks out of 100 credit will be deducted per day for assignments submitted after the due date – and (b) no assignment will be accepted seven days (incl. weekends) after the original submission deadline.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Presentation 10% No Ongoing
Tutorial reading and response 30% Yes 23:59, Thursday, weekly
Research Essay 30% No 23:59, 01/10/21
Take home exam 30% No 23:59, 05/11/21


Assessment Type 1: Presentation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 6 hours
Due: Ongoing
Weighting: 10%


Short presentation in tutorials (internal cohort) or online discussion forum (external cohort).


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality as sociocultural constructs.
  • Articulate the ways that sociocultural norms around gender and sexuality shape health outcomes.
  • Analyse the relationship between gender, sexuality and health in global discourses of development and international aid.

Tutorial reading and response

Assessment Type 1: Summary
Indicative Time on Task 2: 6 hours
Due: 23:59, Thursday, weekly
Weighting: 30%
This is a hurdle assessment task (see assessment policy for more information on hurdle assessment tasks)


Weekly summary of assigned readings and active participation in tutorial discussion (internal cohort) or online discussion forum (external cohort).


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality as sociocultural constructs.
  • Articulate the ways that sociocultural norms around gender and sexuality shape health outcomes.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of how the intersection of culture, health and sexuality can underpin vulnerability to sexual and reproductive health problems as well as shape the implementation of government and donor policies and interventions.
  • Critically and reflexively analyse the role of global markets, rise of human capital, increased mobility and structural inequalities in creating disparities in sexual and reproductive health conditions.
  • Analyse the relationship between gender, sexuality and health in global discourses of development and international aid.

Research Essay

Assessment Type 1: Essay
Indicative Time on Task 2: 40 hours
Due: 23:59, 01/10/21
Weighting: 30%


Students will write an expository essay exploring a topic related to the course material


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality as sociocultural constructs.
  • Articulate the ways that sociocultural norms around gender and sexuality shape health outcomes.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of how the intersection of culture, health and sexuality can underpin vulnerability to sexual and reproductive health problems as well as shape the implementation of government and donor policies and interventions.
  • Critically and reflexively analyse the role of global markets, rise of human capital, increased mobility and structural inequalities in creating disparities in sexual and reproductive health conditions.
  • Analyse the relationship between gender, sexuality and health in global discourses of development and international aid.

Take home exam

Assessment Type 1: Quiz/Test
Indicative Time on Task 2: 10 hours
Due: 23:59, 05/11/21
Weighting: 30%


Take home exam with short answer questions covering main topics of the unit


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an anthropological understanding of gender and sexuality as sociocultural constructs.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of how the intersection of culture, health and sexuality can underpin vulnerability to sexual and reproductive health problems as well as shape the implementation of government and donor policies and interventions.
  • Critically and reflexively analyse the role of global markets, rise of human capital, increased mobility and structural inequalities in creating disparities in sexual and reproductive health conditions.
  • Analyse the relationship between gender, sexuality and health in global discourses of development and international aid.

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

Delivery and Resources

Lectures: Every week, the lecture will be delivered via a live Zoom meeting.  Lectures are always interactive with student participation, so please join us if you can!  However, it will be recorded so if you cannot watch the lecture synchronously, you can catch up on the lecture recording later. 

Tutorials: You may sign up for in-person or online tutorials.  Any in-person learning activities may be subject to change depending on the COVID pandemic and recommendations from NSW Health, so please check iLearn for detailed information about tutorials and assessments. Any changes will be announced in lecture and via iLearn announcement.

Readings: Each week (starting from Week 2) you are expected to do the weekly readings and write a short summary before the tutorial (see iLearn for detailed assessment information).  The lecture readings will be available via Leganto, through iLearn and are all available from the library website.  If you can't find a reading, e-mail the library ( or the unit lecturer and administrator ( so that we can make sure it's available online.

Assessment submission: All written assessments will be submitted online via iLearn; your oral presentation will be during tutorial. See iLearn for details.

Unit Schedule

A detailed unit schedule is available on iLearn.

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central ( Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies ( It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central ( and use the search tool.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( provides academic writing resources and study strategies to help you improve your marks and take control of your study.

The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources. 

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at

If you are a Global MBA student contact

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Unit information based on version 2021.02 of the Handbook