
MGMT3001 – Global Business Strategy

2022 – Session 1, In person/Online-scheduled-weekday, North Ryde

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor
Yue Wang
4-5 pm Wednesday
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
20cp at 2000 level or above including BUS202 or MGMT2002
Corequisites Corequisites
10cp from BUS or BBA or MGMT units at 3000 level
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description

This unit introduces a set of strategic management concepts and ideas to examine the key business policy decisions in managing an international business including: sources of competitive advantage in international competition; foreign market expansion strategies; international strategic alliances; global competitive dynamics; product and geographic diversification strategies; multinational organisational structures; and international corporate governance systems. By the end of the unit students should have an advanced understanding of the principles of developing a strategy for an international business as well the key factors that the firm must consider in respect of its external environment. Students are expected to critically apply the theoretical principles and concepts developed in this unit to solve real-world business problems through the use of the latest case studies, class debates/discussions, and presentations throughout the semester.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Develop an advanced understanding of the key theoretical principles and concepts in strategic management and their implications for international business
  • ULO2: Evaluate and synthesise a variety of theoretical concepts and principles and critically apply them to solve key strategic problems and issues in global business
  • ULO3: Produce and deliver a persuasive and critical analysis in reflective writing and oral presentation for cases/issues related to global business strategy, both individually and in a team

General Assessment Information

Late submissions of assessments 

Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, no extensions will be granted. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available assessment-task marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24-hour period or part thereof that the submission is late. Late submissions will only be accepted up to 96 hours after the due date and time.

No late submissions will be accepted for timed assessments – e.g., quizzes, online tests.

Table 1: Penalty calculation based on submission time

Submission time after the due date (including weekends)

Penalty (% of available assessment task mark)

Example: for a non-timed assessment task marked out of 30

< 24 hours


10% x 30 marks = 3-mark deduction

24-48 hours


20% x 30 marks = 6-mark deduction

48-72 hours


30% x 30 marks = 9-mark deduction

72-96 hours


40% x 30 marks = 12-mark deduction

> 96 hours


Assignment won’t be accepted

Special Consideration 

To request an extension on the due date/time for a timed or non-timed assessment task, you must submit a Special Consideration application. An application for Special Consideration does not guarantee approval.

The approved extension date for a student becomes the new due date for that student. The late submission penalties above then apply as of the new due date.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Case Study Presentation 30% No week 7 to week 13
Essay 30% No week 10
Problem Solving Analysis 40% No week 13

Case Study Presentation

Assessment Type 1: Presentation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: week 7 to week 13
Weighting: 30%


A group presentation up to 45 minutes based on a group case study worth 30%. 15% of the mark is allocated to individual performance, and 15% as a group mark.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Evaluate and synthesise a variety of theoretical concepts and principles and critically apply them to solve key strategic problems and issues in global business
  • Produce and deliver a persuasive and critical analysis in reflective writing and oral presentation for cases/issues related to global business strategy, both individually and in a team


Assessment Type 1: Essay
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: week 10
Weighting: 30%


An essay of up to 2,000 words worth 30%.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Evaluate and synthesise a variety of theoretical concepts and principles and critically apply them to solve key strategic problems and issues in global business
  • Produce and deliver a persuasive and critical analysis in reflective writing and oral presentation for cases/issues related to global business strategy, both individually and in a team

Problem Solving Analysis

Assessment Type 1: Case study/analysis
Indicative Time on Task 2: 15 hours
Due: week 13
Weighting: 40%


Multiple case studies of up to 2,500 words worth 40%.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Develop an advanced understanding of the key theoretical principles and concepts in strategic management and their implications for international business
  • Evaluate and synthesise a variety of theoretical concepts and principles and critically apply them to solve key strategic problems and issues in global business

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

Delivery and Resources

Required Text

There is no prescribed textbook for the unit. But students MUST purchase Unit Reader from Booktopia. Throughout this course students are expected to read all materials in the Unit Reader. Additional reading material may be provided in the lectures. To enhance your knowledge, students are strongly recommended to look at the following publications.

Recommended books:

  • Besanko, D., Dranove, D., S. Schaefer, and M. Shanley, 2016. Economics of Strategy, 7th edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (or new editions)
  • Peng, M., 2017. Global Strategy, 4th edition, Cengage Learning. (or new editions) Recommended journals:
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Journal of World Business
  • Journal of International Management
  • International Business Review
  • Management International Review
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Management
  • Asian Business & Management
  • European Management Journal

Unit Web Page

The web page for this unit can be found at:

Technology Used and Required

Students are required to have access to a personal computer and familiarise themselves with iLearn (

iLearn will be used to post lecture slides, assessment details, student grades and as a means of communication between staff members and students.

Delivery Format and Other Details

The timetable for classes can be found on the University web site at:

Recommended readings

Recommended readings are provided via Leganto on the iLearn Unit page

Inherent Requirements


Unit Schedule

Please see iLearn.

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central ( Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies ( It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central ( and use the search tool.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact

Academic Integrity

At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support, academic skills development and wellbeing consultations.

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

The Writing Centre

The Writing Centre provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.

The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources. 

Student Services and Support

Macquarie University offers a range of Student Support Services including:

Student Enquiries

Got a question? Ask us via AskMQ, or contact Service Connect.

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Unit information based on version 2022.02 of the Handbook