
CHIR8601 – Clinic Internship 1

2023 – Session 2, In person-scheduled-weekday, North Ryde

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff
Rosemary Giuriato
Sarah Letby
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
(CHIR8512 or CHIR8502 or CHIR874) and (CHIR8102 or CHIR892) and (CHIR8514 or CHIR8504 or CHIR919) and (CHIR8402 or CHIR917)
Corequisites Corequisites
CHIR8103 or CHIR903
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description

This is the first of two practical units in which students attend Macquarie University's Chiropractic and Research Centres as chiropractic interns. In this unit students become responsible for patient management and care under the guidance of the clinic supervisors.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Demonstrate an ability to take a chiropractic clinical history, perform the relevant physical examination, order any necessary radiographs, refer for any other necessary evaluation in order to provisionally diagnose the patient's condition and carry out safe and effective chiropractic management of a patient (as taught by the Department) within the allocated time. Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • ULO2: Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • ULO3: Demonstrate an understanding of effective administrative structures required for the running of a chiropractic clinic.
  • ULO4: Demonstrate accurate and appropriate clinical record keeping skills.
  • ULO5: Demonstrate satisfactory competency in the ongoing assessments and attendance criteria for the clinic internship. Demonstrate ability to meet quotas as determined by the Department with respect to patient consultation requirements as set out in the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines (Appendix 1 in Clinic Manual) inclusive of radiography quotas set by the Department with respect to the number of diagnostic radiographs produced and reports written. Demonstrated compliance to all requirements for the unit as described in the Clinic Manual.
  • ULO6: Display sociocultural competency awareness and respect
  • ULO7: Critically analyse ethical and legal issues, chiropractic code of practice and compromising situations.
  • ULO8: Gain an understanding of the occupational health and safety area and how chiropractors work in this field.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Ongoing clinical assessments 20% No
Clinical exam DVD format 45% No
Additional clinic requirements 0% No
Clinical competency on new patient 35% No

Ongoing clinical assessments

Assessment Type 1: Clinical performance evaluation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 10 hours
Weighting: 20%

The ongoing clinical assessments incorporate the quotas of clinical activities required to fulfil the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an ability to take a chiropractic clinical history, perform the relevant physical examination, order any necessary radiographs, refer for any other necessary evaluation in order to provisionally diagnose the patient's condition and carry out safe and effective chiropractic management of a patient (as taught by the Department) within the allocated time. Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective administrative structures required for the running of a chiropractic clinic.
  • Demonstrate accurate and appropriate clinical record keeping skills.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory competency in the ongoing assessments and attendance criteria for the clinic internship. Demonstrate ability to meet quotas as determined by the Department with respect to patient consultation requirements as set out in the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines (Appendix 1 in Clinic Manual) inclusive of radiography quotas set by the Department with respect to the number of diagnostic radiographs produced and reports written. Demonstrated compliance to all requirements for the unit as described in the Clinic Manual.
  • Display sociocultural competency awareness and respect
  • Critically analyse ethical and legal issues, chiropractic code of practice and compromising situations.
  • Gain an understanding of the occupational health and safety area and how chiropractors work in this field.

Clinical exam DVD format

Assessment Type 1: Clinical performance evaluation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 10 hours
Weighting: 45%

Clinical Competency standardised case presented in a DVD format to students. Standardised case, including material from WHS, ethics and jurisprudence lectures.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an ability to take a chiropractic clinical history, perform the relevant physical examination, order any necessary radiographs, refer for any other necessary evaluation in order to provisionally diagnose the patient's condition and carry out safe and effective chiropractic management of a patient (as taught by the Department) within the allocated time. Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate accurate and appropriate clinical record keeping skills.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory competency in the ongoing assessments and attendance criteria for the clinic internship. Demonstrate ability to meet quotas as determined by the Department with respect to patient consultation requirements as set out in the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines (Appendix 1 in Clinic Manual) inclusive of radiography quotas set by the Department with respect to the number of diagnostic radiographs produced and reports written. Demonstrated compliance to all requirements for the unit as described in the Clinic Manual.
  • Display sociocultural competency awareness and respect
  • Critically analyse ethical and legal issues, chiropractic code of practice and compromising situations.

Additional clinic requirements

Assessment Type 1: Clinical performance evaluation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 95 hours
Weighting: 0%

Adequate clinical progression with respect to treatments delivered as deemed satisfactory by the Director of Clinics: 110 treatments, 15 X-rays series (9 series on patients & 6 simulated case mix series), 30 X-ray reports completed.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective administrative structures required for the running of a chiropractic clinic.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory competency in the ongoing assessments and attendance criteria for the clinic internship. Demonstrate ability to meet quotas as determined by the Department with respect to patient consultation requirements as set out in the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines (Appendix 1 in Clinic Manual) inclusive of radiography quotas set by the Department with respect to the number of diagnostic radiographs produced and reports written. Demonstrated compliance to all requirements for the unit as described in the Clinic Manual.

Clinical competency on new patient

Assessment Type 1: Clinical performance evaluation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 10 hours
Weighting: 35%

Full clinical competency assessment is to be undertaken on a patient that is new to the student. The student performance will be assessment and marked by a Clinic Supervisor.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an ability to take a chiropractic clinical history, perform the relevant physical examination, order any necessary radiographs, refer for any other necessary evaluation in order to provisionally diagnose the patient's condition and carry out safe and effective chiropractic management of a patient (as taught by the Department) within the allocated time. Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an ability to educate patients in the aims and objectives of the proposed care including a rehabilitation program.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective administrative structures required for the running of a chiropractic clinic.
  • Demonstrate accurate and appropriate clinical record keeping skills.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory competency in the ongoing assessments and attendance criteria for the clinic internship. Demonstrate ability to meet quotas as determined by the Department with respect to patient consultation requirements as set out in the Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc (CCEA) Standards for First Professional Award Programs in Chiropractic Guidelines (Appendix 1 in Clinic Manual) inclusive of radiography quotas set by the Department with respect to the number of diagnostic radiographs produced and reports written. Demonstrated compliance to all requirements for the unit as described in the Clinic Manual.
  • Display sociocultural competency awareness and respect
  • Critically analyse ethical and legal issues, chiropractic code of practice and compromising situations.
  • Gain an understanding of the occupational health and safety area and how chiropractors work in this field.

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

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Unit information based on version 2023.02 of the Handbook