
MEDI8105 – Interprofessional Healthcare

2023 – Session 2, In person-scheduled-weekday, North Ryde

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor
Tony Eyers
MD Course Support
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Admission to DPT or ((MEDI910 or MEDI8100) and (MEDI911 or MEDI8101) and (MEDI912 or MEDI8102))
Corequisites Corequisites
((MEDI913 or MEDI8103) and (MEDI914 or MEDI8104)) or ((PHTY800 or PHTY8100) and (PHTY801 or PHTY8101) and (PHTY802 or PHTY8102))
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description

This unit includes an integrated community clinical component and will provide you with foundation knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for working collaboratively in the provision of person-centred healthcare in a biopsychosocial framework. The respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of health professionals in the context of the changing healthcare environment will be examined. Safety and Quality of patient care will be emphasised via the importance of ethical decision making, communication, documentation, respect for cultural differences and the client's goals. Over the session, you will have the opportunity to observe and assess clients as they navigate their health care in a range of settings.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Explain the key principles of person-centred healthcare and describe the respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of different health professionals in Australia (Capability 4: Professional)
  • ULO3: Discuss the importance of cultural competency for health professionals and identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be culturally competent (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • ULO2: Describe the organisation and structure of healthcare delivery in Australia, and discuss the factors that promote safety and quality in healthcare services (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • ULO4: Discuss the ethical principles that guide medical practice and begin to distinguish between ethical and legal implications of medical practice (Capability 4: Professional)
  • ULO5: Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective therapeutic/ professional relationship with clients, including appropriate communication, and suggest strategies to adapt communication in recognition of the impact of language, culture, abilities, age, gender and/or health status (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • ULO6: Demonstrate effective communication and professional behaviour in accordance with ethical, legal and professional standards of care while observing, recording and monitoring volunteers from their Community Clinical Placement. (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • ULO7: Document health care in a manner that fulfils professional, medico-legal and institutional requirements (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • ULO8: Explain how psychological, social and cultural issues affect the health of individuals and populations and how diversity can be respected within the context of evidence-based healthcare (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • ULO9: Participate effectively in classes and peer teams, by seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performances and generate strategies that optimise individual and team performance (Capability 4: Professional)

General Assessment Information

Detailed information regarding the assessment of the Macquarie MD and unit-specific assessment is available on the Macquarie MD Assessment iLearn site. 


In this unit all assessment tasks will be coarse graded, with grades (P+, P, P-, F) assigned to the focused and generic MD Capability Aspects as well as overall task performance. Only the coarse grade for the overall performance of assessment tasks weighted according to their contribution will be used to calculate the overall unit aggregate. Unit outcomes based on the unit aggregate will be reported to the University using the standard Macquarie grades (High distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, Fail). A single numerical grade (SNG) will be reported for each University grade. The conversion of the aggregate to SNG are available in the Macquarie MD Rules of Assessment and Progression document posted in the Policies and Guidelines section of the MDCU Doctor of Medicine Community iLearn site.

All final grades in the Macquarie MD are reviewed by the MD Course Board and Faculty Assessment Committee and ratified by the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences Faculty Board. Therefore, they are not the sole responsibility of the Unit Convenor. To pass this unit, you must demonstrate sufficient evidence of achievement of the learning outcomes, achieve a final mark of 50 or better, and meet any ungraded requirements, which includes professionalism.

Extensions for Assessment tasks

For any late submissions of time-sensitive tasks, such as scheduled tests/exams, performance assessments/presentations, and/or scheduled practical assessments/labs, students need to submit an application for Special Consideration via For further details please refer to the Special Consideration Policy available at

Professional Expectations

Professionalism is a key capability embedded in the Macquarie MD. Professional Behaviour Notifications (PBN) which can be a breach (PBNB) or a commendation (PBNC) may be awarded. PBNs will be recorded in the student's portfolio. As part of developing professionalism, Macquarie MD students are expected to attend all small group interactive sessions including clinical, practical, laboratory and team-based learning activities. If attendance is deemed to be of concern, the student will be referred to the Stage 1 Lead for remediation and recording in the portfolio. Similarly, as part of developing professionalism, Macquarie MD students are expected to submit all work by the due date. Late submission without prior approved extension will result in a professional behaviour notification- breach (PBNB) in the portfolio.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
Ethics Seminar 40% No Week 6
Community Clinical Placement handover report 30% No Part 1: Week 10; Part 2: Week 11
Information Aid 30% No Week 13
Community Clinical Placement log book 0% Yes Week 14

Ethics Seminar

Assessment Type 1: Presentation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 16 hours
Due: Week 6
Weighting: 40%


In small groups you will deliver a short presentation either for or against a health related ethical topic. Overall performance and capability aspects will be assessed, and recorded in your Macquarie Assessment Portfolio.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Explain the key principles of person-centred healthcare and describe the respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of different health professionals in Australia (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Discuss the importance of cultural competency for health professionals and identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be culturally competent (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Describe the organisation and structure of healthcare delivery in Australia, and discuss the factors that promote safety and quality in healthcare services (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Discuss the ethical principles that guide medical practice and begin to distinguish between ethical and legal implications of medical practice (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective therapeutic/ professional relationship with clients, including appropriate communication, and suggest strategies to adapt communication in recognition of the impact of language, culture, abilities, age, gender and/or health status (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Explain how psychological, social and cultural issues affect the health of individuals and populations and how diversity can be respected within the context of evidence-based healthcare (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Participate effectively in classes and peer teams, by seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performances and generate strategies that optimise individual and team performance (Capability 4: Professional)

Community Clinical Placement handover report

Assessment Type 1: Report
Indicative Time on Task 2: 15 hours
Due: Part 1: Week 10; Part 2: Week 11
Weighting: 30%


You will submit a written clinical handover on your Community Clinical Placement and present this to your tutorial class. You will then provide a self-reflection on your handover. Overall performance and capability aspects will be assessed, and recorded in your Macquarie Assessment Portfolio.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Explain the key principles of person-centred healthcare and describe the respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of different health professionals in Australia (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Discuss the importance of cultural competency for health professionals and identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be culturally competent (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Describe the organisation and structure of healthcare delivery in Australia, and discuss the factors that promote safety and quality in healthcare services (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective therapeutic/ professional relationship with clients, including appropriate communication, and suggest strategies to adapt communication in recognition of the impact of language, culture, abilities, age, gender and/or health status (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Demonstrate effective communication and professional behaviour in accordance with ethical, legal and professional standards of care while observing, recording and monitoring volunteers from their Community Clinical Placement. (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Document health care in a manner that fulfils professional, medico-legal and institutional requirements (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Explain how psychological, social and cultural issues affect the health of individuals and populations and how diversity can be respected within the context of evidence-based healthcare (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Participate effectively in classes and peer teams, by seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performances and generate strategies that optimise individual and team performance (Capability 4: Professional)

Information Aid

Assessment Type 1: Poster
Indicative Time on Task 2: 15 hours
Due: Week 13
Weighting: 30%


You will create an information aid based on your Community Clinical Placement. Overall performance and capability aspects will be assessed, and will be recorded in your Macquarie Assessment Portfolio.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Explain the key principles of person-centred healthcare and describe the respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of different health professionals in Australia (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Discuss the importance of cultural competency for health professionals and identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be culturally competent (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Describe the organisation and structure of healthcare delivery in Australia, and discuss the factors that promote safety and quality in healthcare services (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Discuss the ethical principles that guide medical practice and begin to distinguish between ethical and legal implications of medical practice (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective therapeutic/ professional relationship with clients, including appropriate communication, and suggest strategies to adapt communication in recognition of the impact of language, culture, abilities, age, gender and/or health status (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Demonstrate effective communication and professional behaviour in accordance with ethical, legal and professional standards of care while observing, recording and monitoring volunteers from their Community Clinical Placement. (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Document health care in a manner that fulfils professional, medico-legal and institutional requirements (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Explain how psychological, social and cultural issues affect the health of individuals and populations and how diversity can be respected within the context of evidence-based healthcare (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Participate effectively in classes and peer teams, by seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performances and generate strategies that optimise individual and team performance (Capability 4: Professional)

Community Clinical Placement log book

Assessment Type 1: Log book
Indicative Time on Task 2: 8 hours
Due: Week 14
Weighting: 0%
This is a hurdle assessment task (see assessment policy for more information on hurdle assessment tasks)


You will provide a detailed log book specifying your community clinical placement hours. Overall performance and generic capability aspect will be assessed, and recorded in your Macquarie Assessment Portfolio.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Explain the key principles of person-centred healthcare and describe the respective roles, responsibilities and regulation of different health professionals in Australia (Capability 4: Professional)
  • Discuss the importance of cultural competency for health professionals and identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be culturally competent (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective therapeutic/ professional relationship with clients, including appropriate communication, and suggest strategies to adapt communication in recognition of the impact of language, culture, abilities, age, gender and/or health status (Capability 3: Engaged Global Citizen)
  • Demonstrate effective communication and professional behaviour in accordance with ethical, legal and professional standards of care while observing, recording and monitoring volunteers from their Community Clinical Placement. (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Document health care in a manner that fulfils professional, medico-legal and institutional requirements (Capability 2: Clinical Practitioner)
  • Participate effectively in classes and peer teams, by seeking and reflecting on feedback on own performances and generate strategies that optimise individual and team performance (Capability 4: Professional)

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

Delivery and Resources

This unit integrates the development of Evidence-based and Inter-professional Health Care skills in lectures, tutorials and online modules with clinical application in the Community Clinical Placement program.  Online lectures will provide foundation knowledge and also use online activities and group discussions to consolidate understanding. Tutorials will give students the opportunity to develop practical skills in the key topics, such as formulating clinical questions, appraisal of ethical scenarios, and development of communication skills. This unit runs over a 13 week session. There is a two hour lecture (pre-recorded video), online activities, and a two hour tutorial each week. Further information is available in iLearn.

Interprofessional Learning and Teaching

In this unit, students will have a unique opportunity to be taught by an interprofessional team, including health professionals, academics and clinicians with expertise in medicine and physiotherapy. Further, students will work together in interprofessional teams across the Doctor of Medicine and the Doctor of Physiotherapy programs. Lectures and tutorials will be conducted with students from both programs together in the learning spaces, to facilitate interprofessional team work and understanding.

Community Clinical Placement

The Community Clinical Placement (CPP) program provides clinical application and is integrated into this unit throughout the Session. Details of the CCP program will be explained to you in the first weeks of the unit. Further information is available on iLearn in the "Community Clinical Placement" section. 

Technology Used

Active participation in the learning activities throughout the unit will require students to have access to a tablet, laptop or similar device.

Recommended readings

There are no recommended textbooks required for this course. Weekly readings will come from journal articles and a range of websites. Weekly readings will be available via the iLearn site.

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central ( Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies ( It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central ( and use the search tool.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact

Academic Integrity

At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support, academic skills development and wellbeing consultations.

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

The Writing Centre

The Writing Centre provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.

The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources. 

Student Services and Support

Macquarie University offers a range of Student Support Services including:

Student Enquiries

Got a question? Ask us via AskMQ, or contact Service Connect.

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Inclusion and Diversity

Social inclusion at Macquarie University is about giving everyone who has the potential to benefit from higher education the opportunity to study at university, participate in campus life and flourish in their chosen field. The University has made significant moves to promote an equitable, diverse and exciting campus community for the benefit of staff and students. It is your responsibility to contribute towards the development of an inclusive culture and practice in the areas of learning and teaching, research, and service orientation and delivery. As a member of the Macquarie University community, you must not discriminate against or harass others based on their sex, gender, race, marital status, carers' responsibilities, disability, sexual orientation, age, political conviction or religious belief. All staff and students are expected to display appropriate behaviour that is conducive to a healthy learning environment for everyone.


In the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, professionalism is a key capability embedded in all our courses.

As part of developing professionalism, students are expected to attend all small group interactive sessions including clinical, practical, laboratory, work-integrated learning, and team-based learning activities. Some learning activities are recorded, however you are encouraged to avoid relying upon such material as they do not recreate the whole learning experience and technical issues can and do occur. As an adult learner, we respect your decision to choose how you engage with your learning, but we would remind you that the learning opportunities we create for you have been done so to enable your success, and that by not engaging you may impact your ability to successfully complete this unit. We equally expect that you show respect for the academic staff who have worked hard to develop meaningful activities and prioritise your learning by communicating with them in advance if you are unable to attend a small group interactive session.

Another dimension of professionalism is having respect for your peers. It is the right of every student to learn in an environment that is free of disruption and distraction. Please arrive to all learning activities on time, and if you are unavoidably detained, please join activity as quietly as possible to minimise disruption. Phones and other electronic devices that produce noise and other distractions must be turned off prior to entering class. Where your own device (e.g., laptop) is being used for class-related activities, you are asked to close down all other applications to avoid distraction to you and others. Please treat your fellow students with the utmost respect. If you are uncomfortable participating in any specific activity, please let the relevant academic know.

Unit information based on version 2023.01R of the Handbook