Unit convenor and teaching staff |
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Andrea Chareunsy
Credit points |
Credit points
Prerequisites |
120cp at 1000 level or above
Corequisites |
Co-badged status |
Co-badged status
Unit description |
Unit description
This unit covers business patterns in East and South-East Asian economies and their link to key commercial and economic institutions. The unit focuses on Japan, the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China as examples of commercial practices and institutions within the region. Students learn the management styles and practices, marketing strategies and key business behaviours in these countries. The unit also discusses the business and economic problems faced by the region in the past two decades, and the challenges and opportunities in the decades to come.
This unit students’ engagement with and understanding of global challenges associated with demographics, the ecology and energy, labour markets and inequality, global modes of production and technology, focusing on China, India, Japan and Vietnam. Students examine the notion of “global” and "local" in Asian business environments and understand how local/national/regional realities shape the perceptions and actions of governments and communities that affect the management of global challenges. The unit requires no prior economic knowledge. |
Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at https://www.mq.edu.au/study/calendar-of-dates
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, a 5% penalty (of the total possible mark) will be applied each day a written assessment is not submitted, up until the 7th day (including weekends). After the 7th day, a grade of ‘0’ will be awarded even if the assessment is submitted. Submission time for all written assessments is set at 11.55pm. A 1-hour grace period is provided to students who experience a technical concern. For any late submissions of time-sensitive tasks, such as scheduled tests/exams, performance assessments/ presentations, and/or scheduled practical assessments/labs, students need to submit an application for Special Consideration.
Name | Weighting | Hurdle | Due |
Formal and observed learning: Exam | 30% | No | Examination Period (on campus) |
Skills development: Societal challenges | 30% | No | 30/05/2025 |
Professional practice: Addressing global challenges | 40% | No | Weeks 9-12 (online in tutorials) |
Assessment Type 1: Examination
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: Examination Period (on campus)
Weighting: 30%
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate the expertise they have gained in Asian Business Environment. You will participate in a 2-hour exam held during the University Examination period. Important information about the exam will be made available on the unit iLearn page. You should also review the MQ Exams website for general tips. Deliverable: Formal exam Individual assessment
Assessment Type 1: Portfolio
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: 30/05/2025
Weighting: 30%
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate awareness of the complexity of societal challenges, through showcasing their appreciation of different perspectives. Students will collect 5 artefacts that showcase different perspectives of societal challenges presented in lectures. At the end of the session, students will submit a 500-word report, reflecting on how these different perspectives have transformed their understanding of these challenges. Skills in focus: - Critical thinking skills - Communication skills - Analytical Skills - adapting and applying knowledge and concepts Deliverable: Portfolio containing 5 artefacts and a 500-word report Individual assessment
Assessment Type 1: Presentation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: Weeks 9-12 (online in tutorials)
Weighting: 40%
The purpose of this assessment is for students to work collaboratively and develop expertise in crafting solutions to contemporary global challenges. You will work in teams to research and address the five global challenges, and the impact on stakeholders. The task consists of individual posters for each team member, followed by the team's presentation of the posters after receiving feedback. Skills in focus: - Analytical skills - Communication skills - Teamwork - Work readiness - Research skills Deliverable: Poster and Presentation Individual and Group assessment
1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:
2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation
There will be a weekly 2 hour online lecture and a one hour online tutorial (starting in Week 2). There will also be a Q&A at the end of each lecture to provide students with the opportunity to clarify issues relating to the lecture or assessments.
Attendance at lectures is highly recommended, while attendance at tutorials is compulsory. However, discussions in lectures will provide essential material for group activities in tutorials that will guide your work for the within-session assessments (Portfolio and Presentation).
* It is essential that students attend the first lecture (Week 1), where the UC will outline the roadmap of the unit, and provide the purpose, important details and examples of assessments (eg. what is an artefact and how do you reflect on one?). A hands-on practice session will take place in the first tutorial (Week 2), which will draw from these examples.
More details will be provided on the unit's iLearn page.
Weekly Topic Guide
Week 1 - Overview of the purpose and organisation of the unit, learning activities and assessments, with an introduction to the five global challenges and the regions in focus (East Asia; South Asia; ASEAN).
Weeks 2, 3 - Challenge 1: Demographic transitions and labour market effects
Weeks 4, 5 - Challenge 2: Economic inequality and social fragmentation
Weeks 6, 7 - Challenge 3: Technological disruption and the digital divide
Weeks 8, 9 - Challenge 4: Climate change, energy transitions and environmental sustainability
Weeks 10, 11 - Challenge 5: Geopolitical tensions, supply networks and trade dependencies
Week 12 - Demystifying the five global challenges: an economic perspective
Week 13 - Special presentation
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Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit connect.mq.edu.au or if you are a Global MBA student contact globalmba.support@mq.edu.au
At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support, academic skills development and wellbeing consultations.
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The Writing Centre provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.
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Unit information based on version 2025.03 of the Handbook