Unit convenor and teaching staff |
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Senior Teacher
Levente Horvath
Contact via Contact via email
Macquarie University College
Contact staff member
Credit points |
Credit points
Prerequisites |
WENG100 or WENG1000
Corequisites |
Co-badged status |
Co-badged status
Unit description |
Unit description
This the 2nd SPINE unit* aimed to develop professional, transferable and employability skills. This unit introduces engineering challenges that demand the students to apply fundamental knowledge in resolving ill-defined engineering problems. Students will be exposed to a team-based working environment that is representative of any working engineering groups. Through project-based learning and scaffolded activities, students will develop the competencies and transferable skills required to tackle more advanced and domain-specific engineering problems.
Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at https://www.mq.edu.au/study/calendar-of-dates
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Requirements to Pass
To successfully complete this unit, a student must obtain a numerical overall mark of 50 or more for the unit.
For further details about grading, please refer to Part F of the Assessment Procedure.
Students must also pass any hurdle assessments as stipulated in the Assessment Section of this Unit Guide.
Students will be awarded common result grades as specified in the Assessment Policy.
Students will receive criteria and standards for specific assessment tasks, which will be aligned with the grading descriptors given in Part F of the Assessment Procedure.
Note – Other grades, such as I, IS, UD, UJ may be allocated and these grades are outlined in Appendix A of the Assessment Policy.
Where to find information about assessments
General assessment information, such as the number and nature of assessments, due dates and weightings, has been provided in this unit guide.
Specific assessment information including assignment instructions, questions, marking criteria and rubrics as well as examples of relevant and related assessment tasks and responses will be available in the Assessment section on iLearn.
Submission of Assessment Tasks
Assessments must be submitted in accordance with instructions provided in this Unit Guide and via iLearn. Any tasks that are not submitted as per the assessment instructions may be considered a non-submission and a zero mark may be awarded for the task.
Late Submissions and Penalties (applicable to non-time limited assessment tasks)
Late submissions are allowed but they will attract a late submission penalty unless the student has an approved special consideration application (see the Special Consideration Policy).
Late penalties are calculated based on the total possible marks allocated to the specific assessment task. The penalty for late submission is as follows:
Please note that online submissions are time stamped and this is used to determine late penalties which means that submitting an assessment even a few seconds after the deadline results in a late submission penalty as noted above. There is no flexibility regarding the application of the late submission penalties. It is students’ responsibility to allow sufficient time for submission of their work and uploading any documents.
If the assessment task is due on a Friday at 11.55pm
Submission day/time |
Deduction penalty |
Before/at 11:55pm Friday |
0% |
After 11:55pm Fri to 11:55pm Saturday |
5% |
After 11:55pm Sat to 11:55pm Sunday |
10% |
After 11:55pm Sun to 11:55pm Monday |
15% |
After 11.55pm Monday |
100% |
If the assessment task is due on a Wednesday at 11.55pm
Submission day/time |
Deduction penalty |
Before/at 11:55pm Wednesday |
0% |
After 11:55pm Wed to 11:55pm Thursday |
5% |
After 11:55pm Thurs to 11:55pm Friday |
10% |
After 11:55pm Fri to 11:55pm Saturday |
15% |
After 11.55pm Saturday |
100% |
Please see “In-class assessments” section for further information on assessments that take place during class time.
The above late submission penalties do not apply to time-limited assessment tasks (i.e. assessments with a time-limit of less than 24 hours). A time-limited assessment task must be submitted by its deadline. Any time-limited task that is not submitted as required will be considered a non-submission and a zero mark will be awarded for the task.
Extensions (applicable to non-time limited assessment tasks)
Extensions are allowed only if the student is granted a special consideration. To apply for an extension, students must submit their application via the Service Connect portal.
An approved extension will not incur late penalties. However, where a student has been granted an extension and then submits late, i.e., after the stipulated new due date following extension, late penalties will be applied.
Resubmissions (applicable to non-time limited assessment tasks)
It is students’ responsibility to upload their assessments as per the instructions provided on iLearn. Following an initial submission, students may resubmit their work up to 3 days after the due date* if, for example, they have submitted the incorrect document or forgotten to include information.
*If you make a resubmission after the due date, your submission will be counted as late, and penalties will be applied.
Retention of Originals
It is students’ responsibility to retain a copy of any work submitted. Students may be required to produce these documents upon request.
Requests for original documentation will be sent to the student’s Macquarie University email address. Students must retain all original documentation for a six (6) month period and must supply original documents to the University within ten (10) working days of such a request being made.
In-Class Assessments (time-limited assessments)
Assessments could be administered during scheduled lessons and students may be asked to produce their Macquarie University Student ID Card or any other official photo ID if required. Students may not be allowed sit an in-class assessment task if they cannot produce a valid photo ID.
Students are expected to be in class for the whole duration of their scheduled lesson to take the assessment task. No additional time or adjustment will be made for late arriving students or students not ready to submit an assessment at the start of the lesson. Any time-limited task that is not submitted as per assessment instructions will be considered a non-submission and a zero mark will be awarded for the task.
For example, if a one-hour test or quiz is due to take place in a 2-hour lesson, the test or quiz may start at any time in the first hour or at the start of the second hour, so students must be ready to take the test at the beginning of the lesson. No additional time will be given, or adjustment made for students who arrive late. While they may still be permitted to take the assessment, depending on the task, the student will only have the remaining time to complete the task.
Final Examinations
The final examinations will be held during the Macquarie University College Final Examination period. Students must be available to sit final exams or submit assessments throughout this period.
Final Examination Timetable
The University will publish the Final Examination Timetable before the commencement of the final examination period.
Final Examination Requirements
Details of the structure and format of the final examination will be made available to students via iLearn prior to the start of the final examination period.
For additional information regarding examination requirements refer to the Assessment Policy, Assessment Procedures, Section 3, Part E - Examinations.
Missed assessments and examinations
For any missed assessment tasks, please refer to the Special Consideration Policy and Special Consideration Eligibility Requirements.
Supplementary Tests and Examinations
When a student is granted a supplementary test or examination, they will be advised of the time, date and location for the supplementary task.
Supplementary interim assessments, i.e., assessments held during the Term, will be held throughout the Term and students who are to sit a supplementary exam will be informed of times and dates via the Service Connect portal.
Supplementary final examination period for formal, end-of-term examinations will be the fortnight following Week 8. Students who need to sit a supplementary final examination are required to be available to undertake examinations during the supplementary examination period.
No more than one (1) supplementary assessment will be offered to a student in each affected unit, so it is essential that students make themselves available for alternative assessment activities. Please refer to the Special Consideration Policy for further details.
Results for supplementary final examinations may not be available for up to two weeks following the supplementary examination.
Due to the timing and administration of the supplementary final exams, students in their final Term of study should note that formal completion of their studies at the College may not be possible until supplementary results are released. Similarly, students who are enrolled in a unit which is a prerequisite to another unit should note that they may not be able to enrol in a subsequent unit/course/program of study on time.
Hurdle Assessments
A hurdle assessment mandates a minimum level of academic performance as a condition of successful completion of a unit. A student who has obtained a numerical mark of at least 50 yet failed all available attempts of a hurdle, fails the unit and receives a FH grade.
Accessing your Results
Students will be able to view their results for interim assessments via the Grades section in iLearn.
Marks for all assessment tasks will be released to students once marking and all relevant checks are concluded.
Students will be able to view their overall result of a unit via eStudent when results are ratified.
Calculating your WAM
Weighted Average Mark (WAM) will be the average of the actual marks students achieved in all units of their program/course and is a mark out of 100. WAM also incorporates ALL marks, including those from a fail grade. For more information, please refer to the Understanding your WAM page.
Obtaining Feedback
Feedback is an important part of student development and opportunities for feedback are built into the curriculum at key points throughout the Term. Students who complete the homework and classwork assigned to them will receive constructive feedback from teaching staff about their academic progress and performance in assessment tasks or a unit of study. When relevant, other staff such as Senior Teachers, Education Managers and members of the Student Administration and Services Team will provide feedback and advice to students about their academic performance in a course/program of study. Feedback may be provided to individual students, a group of students or a whole class and it may be written or verbal in nature.
Some examples of feedback include:
It is a student’s responsibility to:
Students who are unsure how or when feedback was or will be provided, or feel that feedback provided is not sufficient, should approach relevant teaching or administrative staff and request additional feedback in a timely manner during the Term and prior to any subsequent assessment task or the final assessment task. Claims that not enough feedback was provided are not grounds for a grade appeal, especially when a student did not make any effort to approach staff about obtaining additional feedback in a timely manner. Students may seek general feedback about performance in a unit up to 6 months following results release.
If a student has any problems contacting their teacher, they should seek help from a member of the Student Administration and Services team.
Contacting Teaching Staff to Obtain Help
For all University-related correspondence, students must use their official Macquarie University student email account. Students may contact teaching staff at any time during the Term by using the teacher contact details provided in iLearn or this Guide. Students should expect a response within 1-2 business days.
Name | Weighting | Hurdle | Due |
Project | 30% | No | Week 2 Friday, Week 4 Tuesday, Week 7 Friday 11:55pm |
Experimental Reports | 30% | No | Week 3 Friday 11:55pm, and Week 7 Tuesday 11:55pm |
Class Test | 10% | No | Lesson 1, Week 6 |
Final Exam | 30% | No | Final Examination Period |
Assessment Type 1: Project
Indicative Time on Task 2: 30 hours
Due: Week 2 Friday, Week 4 Tuesday, Week 7 Friday 11:55pm
Weighting: 30%
Students are required to take a structured approach to problem-solving in an engineering context. Students are provided with a problem and are required to document the problem-solving process followed to produce an engineering solution to it.
Assessment Type 1: Report
Indicative Time on Task 2: 22 hours
Due: Week 3 Friday 11:55pm, and Week 7 Tuesday 11:55pm
Weighting: 30%
Students are required to submit two experimental reports during the term.
Assessment Type 1: Quiz/Test
Indicative Time on Task 2: 5 hours
Due: Lesson 1, Week 6
Weighting: 10%
The class test may cover any topic from the first three weeks of the unit.
Assessment Type 1: Examination
Indicative Time on Task 2: 21 hours
Due: Final Examination Period
Weighting: 30%
The Final Exam may include any topic covered in this unit.
1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:
2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation
Term Dates & Calendar
Details of key dates during the term can be found on the Important Dates calendar.
Enrolment and Timetables
General enrolment and timetable information is available via the Macquarie University College enrolment dates and instructions page and Macquarie University’s unit enrolment page.
Students will be able to enrol and register for classes via eStudent and view their personal timetable. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that classes they have registered for do not clash.
Students are only permitted to attend classes in which they have registered via eStudent unless they have written approval. To seek approval, students must contact Macquarie University College Student Services, or speak to a member of the Student Administration and Services Team at The College Student Desk (Ground Floor, 8 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Avenue). Approval will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
The last day to enrol, add or change units is the Sunday, 9.00pm (AEDT) before the start of the Term. Changing class groups is not possible after the enrolment period has concluded.
Attendance Requirements – All Students
Attendance will be monitored in each lesson and students are able to see their current attendance percentage to date and potential attendance percentage for each unit they have enrolled in via iLearn.
When a student is present for a part of a lesson (for example arrives late, leaves early, leaves the class frequently, particularly for lengthy periods), the teacher reserves the right to mark a student absent for that part of the lesson.
Public Holidays and Make-up Lessons
If any scheduled class falls on a public holiday, a make-up lesson may be scheduled. Please check the iLearn announcements and your emails for details of the make-up lessons.
In Term 1, 2025 there are no public holidays.
Technology Used and Required
Macquarie University students are entitled to free access to the Microsoft Office Suite, which can be accessed here. For any problems related to this link and Microsoft Office Suite please contact OneHelp.
Students are required to use Windows or Mac devices to study. They will need to have access to Office applications (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and Internet browsers.
iLearn is Macquarie's online learning management system and a principal teaching and learning resource which will be used throughout the Term.
For any resource related iLearn questions contact your teacher. For any technical or support issues using iLearn, please contact the IT helpdesk (Ph. 02 9850 4357) or lodge a ticket using OneHelp.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is now readily available for download and use, offering a secure platform for student-to-student communication and collaboration at Macquarie University.
Teams facilitates seamless communication among students and streamlines student group work within academic units. Additionally, students can leverage specific apps within Teams, such as Whiteboard and Planner, to enhance collaboration and planning efforts.
Useful Study Resources
The Learning Hub and WHUB1000 iLearn resource are specifically designed by Macquarie University College to support your studies. The Learning Hub is a study space available to all College students and offers workshops, study sessions and one-to-one and group consultations with academic staff during the Term. In addition, the WHUB1000 iLearn resource provides self-access support to help you strengthen your academic and numeracy skills.
StudyWise is an iLearn resource created by the Academic Literacies Unit. This resource is specifically designed to help you to manage your studies, strengthen your study techniques, write effective assignments and improve your English language proficiency. Once you enrol in StudyWise, you can access it from your iLearn course list under the category "Student Support".
Lib Guides provide students with links to electronic sources and websites that are good starting points for research in different fields or disciplines.
MultiSearch will connect you to Macquarie University Library and allow you to search library resources, databases, unit readings and past exam papers.
Macquarie University Library has released a mobile device app called libMQ. The app allows students to easily access MyLibrary (be notified about loans, renewals, holds and fees owing), book a computer, Library floor maps, see new books lists and search MultiSearch.
It can be downloaded from either Google Play or the App store.
Assignment and Study Support provide information about:
Numeracy Support is provided by the Numeracy Centre. Students can attend these support classes on a drop-in basis as required.
Studiosity is a one-to-one personal study support service which may be made available via iLearn. If available, students may use this service to get online study help and/or feedback on an assignment usually within 24 hours. Students who are unsure whether this service is available in their unit or how to use this service should check with their teacher. Please note that this is an external service and feedback provided is generic in nature (for example comments on grammar and cohesion) and may not be specific to the requirements of the task. If students require specific feedback on how their work aligns with the expectations of the unit or marking criteria, they should consult their teacher.
Week | Topics/Content Covered | Assessments and Activities |
1 | Reasoning, tensile test, experimental report, research skills, and lab activities. |
2 | First engineering design project, conducting and completing tensile test analysis. Introducing the tensile test report assessment and engineering design process. |
Project Phase 1 (5%) Due Date: Friday, 11:55 pm In-class activity
3 | Specialised engineering achievement, engineering design, group project, and failure analysis. |
Tensile Test Report (20%) Due Date: Friday, 11:55 pm Group Activity |
4 | Failure analysis report, system engineering and applications, and critical thinking. | Group Project Phase 2 (5%) Due Date: Tuesday, 11:55 pm |
5 | Study Week | Catch-up Week for Unit Content Study and Assessment Writing: Work on Assessments, Project, and Online Material. Visit the Learning Hub. |
6 | Life cycle analysis, failure on feedback analysis report, and sustainability |
Class Test (Lesson 1) (10%) Group Project |
7 | Sustainability continue, innovation, and barriers to innovation. |
Failure Analysis Report (10%) Due Date: Tuesday, 11:55 pm Group Project Group Project Phase 3 (20%) Due Date: Friday, 11:55 pm |
8 | Final Exam (30%) |
Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central (https://policies.mq.edu.au). Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:
Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies (https://students.mq.edu.au/support/study/policies). It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.
To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central (https://policies.mq.edu.au) and use the search tool.
Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct: https://students.mq.edu.au/admin/other-resources/student-conduct
Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit connect.mq.edu.au or if you are a Global MBA student contact globalmba.support@mq.edu.au
At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support, academic skills development and wellbeing consultations.
Academic Integrity
Using the work or ideas of another person, whether intentionally or not, and presenting them as your own without clear acknowledgement of the source is called Plagiarism.
Macquarie University promotes awareness of information ethics through its Academic Integrity Policy. This means that:
All breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are serious and penalties apply. Students should be aware that they may fail an assessment task, a unit or even be excluded from the University for breaching the Academic Integrity Policy.
Penalties for Plagiarism and Collusion
The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person breaches the Academic Integrity Policy.
If students’ work is found to be similar to another source and considered to include instances of plagiarism or collusion, they will be penalised.
Plagiarism occurs when a person takes someone else's work or ideas and presents them as their own, that is, without acknowledging where the work or ideas came from originally.
For example, if a student was awarded 52/100 marks for an essay, which contained 20% similarity (i.e. 20% of the work was identified to be copied from another source), the 20% of the 100 marks allocated to the task (i.e. 20 marks) could be deducted as a penalty. The final score would be 32/100 marks.
Penalty calculations may vary by unit.
Collusion takes place when a student copies work or ideas from another student with or without this student’s consent to complete a task that is supposed to be done individually. Please note that all students are penalised in collusion cases, regardless of who produced the original work.
For example, if a friend asks another student for assistance and the student provides them with a copy of their work, both students will receive exactly the same penalty for the act of collusion.
Turnitin and other Plagiarism Detection Software
Student submissions for assessment tasks are subject to plagiarism detection software, for example, Turnitin, or similar software approved by the University. This software compares electronically submitted papers to a database of academic publications, internet sources and other student papers that have been submitted to the system to identify matching text. It then produces an Originality Report which identifies text taken from other sources and generates a similarity percentage.
Multiple submissions may be possible via Turnitin or other software prior to the final due date and time of an assessment task and originality reports may be made available to students to view and check their levels of similarity prior to making a final submission. Students are encouraged to use these reports to ensure that they do not breach the Academic Integrity Policy through high levels of similarity (plagiarism).
If you have not planned your submission time carefully and note high levels of similarity in your work after the due date, you can still resubmit your work (if it is not a time-limited assessment); however, a late penalty will apply. For instructions on how to resubmit your work, please see the “Resubmissions (applicable to non-time limited assessment tasks)” section in this Unit Guide.
Teaching staff will use the originality report to judge whether plagiarism has occurred and whether penalties should apply for breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy. Any similar text identified by Turnitin on iLearn will be considered carefully to see if it is indeed a breach of the Academic Integrity Policy.
There is no set percentage which indicates whether plagiarism has occurred; all identified matching text should be reconsidered carefully. If plagiarism has occurred or is suspected and resubmission is possible prior to the due date, students are advised to edit their work before making a final submission. Help may be sought from teaching staff and students may also access Assignment and Study Support provided by the library or the Writing Centre.
Please refer to these instructions on how to submit your assignment through Turnitin on iLearn and to access similarity reports and feedback provided by teaching staff.
Should you have questions about Turnitin on iLearn or experience issues submitting through the system, you must inform your teacher immediately. If the issue is technical in nature, you may also lodge a OneHelp Ticket; please refer to the IT help page.
Submission of Drafts through Turnitin.
In some instances, students may be required to submit drafts of written work via Turnitin in iLearn prior to the due date of the assessment task so that they can receive feedback prior to making a final submission. If the student does not make a final submission prior to the due date, their draft will be counted as the final submission or late penalties will be applied.
Assessment Policy
Students should familiarise themselves with their responsibilities under the Assessment Policy, and notably the Assessment Procedures, Section 3, Part E – Examinations.
Final Examination Script Viewings
A student may request to view their final examination script once results have been released but scripts remain the property of Macquarie University.
Students should view their final examination paper prior to submitting a grade appeal, if this is relevant to their case. The viewing will be conducted in a secure location under supervision.
To request a final examination script viewing, please submit an MQ College Script Viewing Request. Please note that this form will be available for 10 working days after the publication of results for the current Term.
Grade Appeals
A student who has been awarded a final grade for a unit has the right to appeal that grade as outlined in the Assessment Policy, Assessment Procedures, Section 3, Part F. Grade appeals apply to the final mark and the grade a student receives for a unit of study. They do not apply to results received for individual assessment tasks.
Students considering lodging a grade appeal are recommended to review the information outlined in Appealing a University decision, and also the Guide to Grade Appeals, provided by Student Advocacy, prior to submitting their application.
Grade appeals must be submitted via the Service Connect portal within 15 working days from the published result date for the relevant unit. Before submitting a Grade Appeal, please ensure that you read the Assessment Policy and note valid grounds for appeals.
Students are expected to seek feedback on individual assessment tasks prior to the award of a final grade. Students may request generic feedback from teaching staff on their overall performance in the unit, including in a final examination. This can be done at any time in the six-month period starting from the day on which the final grade of the relevant unit is published.
Course Progression
The College closely monitors students' academic progress as per the Progression Policy for Courses and Programs delivered by Macquarie University College.
To maintain satisfactory academic progress, a student must successfully complete (pass) 50% or more of their enrolled units in a Term of study and meet any other requirements to pass listed in the Unit Guide.
Students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress will be classified as "at risk" and will be notified in writing. At-risk students may be required to undergo academic counselling, undertake certain initiatives or have conditions placed upon their enrolment to help them make satisfactory progress.
Students must also pass 50% or more of the units in two or more terms in order to meet Minimum Rate of Progress (MRP) requirements. A student is deemed not to be making Minimum Rate of Progress if they fail more than 50% of their enrolled units in two consecutive Terms of study, or if they have failed more than 50% of their units after studying two or more terms.
If students do not satisfy academic progression the University may impose a suspension of their studies. For international students, this can have an impact of their visa status.
Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit http://students.mq.edu.au/support/
The Writing Centre provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.
The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources.
Macquarie University offers a range of Student Support Services including:
Got a question? Ask us via the Service Connect Portal, or contact Service Connect.
For help with University computer systems and technology, visit http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/offices_and_units/information_technology/help/.
When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.
Lessons will include a mixture of activities. New content and topics will be presented during lessons, and students will be given problems, practice questions and other interactive activities to apply the knowledge and the skills gained in the lesson. Students will be required to take notes, complete set tasks and engage in discussions and individual and group activities.
In class, specific time may be dedicated to work on assessment tasks and students will be given guidance and feedback to complete these. Certain lessons may be dedicated to independent research and reading related to the unit whether in the classroom or a computer lab.
Active Participation
In the workplace, at university and in the surrounding community, a person’s contributions are important. Students will be required to not only attend but also actively participate in lessons.
Active participation entails:
Weekly face-to-face contact for this unit will be 12 hours (72 hours per term).
There will be 6 lessons per week consisting of 2 hour lessons.
Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little, Elizabeth Orwin, Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2013.
Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, Engineering Your Future: An Australasian Guide, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., 2013.
Henry Petroski, To Engineer is Human, several publishers and editions starting 1985.
All students should ensure that they have access to the recommended text(s) from the start of the Term as failure to do so could jeopardise their academic progress in this unit.
Other editions or formats of the above resource(s) may be acceptable, but students must consult teaching staff prior to purchasing these.
Useful URLs
Unit information based on version 2025.02 of the Handbook