Unit convenor and teaching staff |
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Unit Convenor
Jayden Chen
Contact via via Email
Room 161, Level 1, 3 Management Drive
Via appointment
Unit Co-Convenor
Noushin Nasiri
Contact via via Email
Room 135, Level 1, 3 Management Drive
Via appointment
Credit points |
Credit points
Prerequisites |
Corequisites |
Co-badged status |
Co-badged status
Unit description |
Unit description
The 1st SPINE unit aimed to develop professional, transferable and employability skills. The unit has two objectives; 1) to develop the required self-management skills to be successful in the field of engineering. this includes time management skills, professional behaviour, empathy and metacognitive skills. 2) to develop related and transferable hands-on prototyping skills through a serious of workshops. In the process, students will be able to contextualise their learning and develop basic fundamental prototyping skills required for them to be involved in a team-based project by the subsequent SPINE unit. The SPINE units are serious of scaffolded units across the engineering curriculum that aims to develop self-agency and self-efficacy that will help you transition into University study. |
Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at https://www.mq.edu.au/study/calendar-of-dates
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Grading and passing requirement for unit
In order to pass this unit, a student must obtain a mark of 50 or more for the unit (i.e. obtain a passing grade P/ CR/ D/ HD).
There is no hurdle assessment in this unit.
Online quizzes, in-class activities, or scheduled tests and exam must be undertaken at the time indicated in the unit guide. Should these activities be missed due to illness or misadventure, students may apply for Special Consideration.
All other assessments must be submitted by 11:55 pm on their due date. Should these assessments be missed due to illness or misadventure, students should apply for Special Consideration.
Late Assessment Submission
Late assessments are not accepted in this unit unless a Special Consideration has been submitted and approved.
Name | Weighting | Hurdle | Due |
Prototyping skill development 2 | 35% | No | Week 13 |
Prototyping skill development 1 | 35% | No | Week 7 |
Quiz | 30% | No | Week 13 |
Assessment Type 1: Design Implementation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: Week 13
Weighting: 35%
This is the 2nd skill development activity. Similar to the 1st skill development, it emphases on the hands prototyping skill required in any engineering field. The skill allocation will be assigned in week 1 as well.
The iterative exposure to new skills development is also to develop the required metacognitive skills in being successful with embarking with new knowledge fields. To put it simply is learning to learn.
Assessment Type 1: Design Implementation
Indicative Time on Task 2: 20 hours
Due: Week 7
Weighting: 35%
Developing the required hands-on competency relating to a chosen engineering field. The hands-on skill development will be translatable across other engineering domains. The skills will be chosen based on a preference selection during week 1. The availability of the skills will be dependent on whether students choose to engage in face-to-face mode or via online medium. Some skills are only available in face-to-face mode.
Example of cross-disciplinary hands-on skills: Technical drawing skill is an underpinning skill in both mechanical and civil engineering design communication.
Assessment Type 1: Quiz/Test
Indicative Time on Task 2: 24 hours
Due: Week 13
Weighting: 30%
A quiz on professional development topics. Refer to iLearn for more information.
1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:
2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation
All slides and materials, recommended book list and pdfs will be provided on iLearn.
Refer to iLearn for detailed schedule
Week 1
There will be no pracs/SGTAs in week 1. The SGTAs will start from Week 2.
Methods of Communication
We will communicate with you via your university email or through announcements on iLearn. Queries to convenors can either be placed on the iLearn discussion board or sent to jayden.chen@mq.edu.au or noushin.nasiri@mq.edu.au from your university email address.
Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central (https://policies.mq.edu.au). Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:
Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies (https://students.mq.edu.au/support/study/policies). It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.
To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central (https://policies.mq.edu.au) and use the search tool.
Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct: https://students.mq.edu.au/admin/other-resources/student-conduct
Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit connect.mq.edu.au or if you are a Global MBA student contact globalmba.support@mq.edu.au
At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support, academic skills development and wellbeing consultations.
Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit http://students.mq.edu.au/support/
Academic Success provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.
The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources.
Macquarie University offers a range of Student Support Services including:
Got a question? Ask us via the Service Connect Portal, or contact Service Connect.
For help with University computer systems and technology, visit http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/offices_and_units/information_technology/help/.
When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.
Unit information based on version 2025.05 of the Handbook