
AHPG889 – After the Roman Empire: Early Medieval Europe in the Time of Gregory of Tours

2014 – S1 External

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor
Andrew Gillett
Contact via
W6A 502
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Admission to MA in (Ancient History or Coptic Studies or ECJS or Egyptology or History or Late Antiquity or Ancient Art and Architecture) or PGDipArts in (Ancient History or ECJS) or PGCertArts in (Ancient History or Coptic Studies)
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
This unit examines western Europe in the sixth century, after the fragmentation of the Roman empire, focusing on Gaul/early France in the 'Frankish' or 'Merovingian' period. The topic is approached through close study of Gregory of Tours' "Histories", which was the first major post-imperial Latin historical work and immensely significant in shaping European historical and ideological traditions through to the present. Literary analysis is explored as a methodology for the study of historical sources. Other documentary, literary, and archaeological materials will also be examined. The unit addresses historical continuities and developments between the Late Antique Mediterranean world and medieval Europe.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types
  • Understanding of the historical context of texts
  • Application of advanced research skills and methodologies, including deployment of both discipline-specific research tools and online research methods
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches
  • Application of advanced academic communication skills, including appropriate levels of oral or online and written skills

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Due
Structural analysis 10% Wednesday 2 April 2014
Analysis of book reviews 30% Tuesday 22 April 2014
Essay 50% Wednesday 18 June 2014
Class participation 10% Throughout teaching term

Structural analysis

Due: Wednesday 2 April 2014
Weighting: 10%

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types

Analysis of book reviews

Due: Tuesday 22 April 2014
Weighting: 30%

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Application of advanced research skills and methodologies, including deployment of both discipline-specific research tools and online research methods
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches
  • Application of advanced academic communication skills, including appropriate levels of oral or online and written skills


Due: Wednesday 18 June 2014
Weighting: 50%

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types
  • Understanding of the historical context of texts
  • Application of advanced research skills and methodologies, including deployment of both discipline-specific research tools and online research methods
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches
  • Application of advanced academic communication skills, including appropriate levels of oral or online and written skills

Class participation

Due: Throughout teaching term
Weighting: 10%

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches
  • Application of advanced academic communication skills, including appropriate levels of oral or online and written skills

Delivery and Resources



 Week 1 and the first hour of Week 2 will be lectures given by the unit convenor, and will be available through Echo360.  The remainder of the classes will be in online discussion format, with all students required to contribute to discussion and sometimes to lead a week's discussion.


Online discussion for each week will open on the Wednesday and continue through the weekend to facilitate participaion.  The unit convenor will participate in discussion but will not necessarily lead discussion.

Classes will be held in each of the thirteen teaching weeks of Session 1 (commencing 3 March, with two weeks Recess from 14-25 April, and concluding on 13 June).

 Required Text:

 It is essential to buy this book, which will be stocked by the Coop Bookstore on campus:

 ·       Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks, trans. Lewis Thorpe (Penguin; Harmondsworth, 1974)

 If you have a copy before beginning of teaching term, please start to read this text – we will read through the entire text throughout the term.

 Other useful books:

 The following two items are not required, but may be useful and are suggested for anyone looking for additional unit materials.  Please note that both contain substantial (though incomplete) translations of Gregory’s Histories. 

 ·       From Roman to Merovingian Gaul: A Reader, ed. and trans. Alexander Callander Murray (Broadview; Peterborough, 2000)

 ·       Gregory of Tours, The Merovingians, ed. and trans. Alexander Callander Murray (Broadview; Peterborough, 2006)

 Required Technology:

 Students will be required to have internet access to access the UNITS website for AHPG889 and the Macquarie Library Catalogue (for access to ebooks and other material) and eReserve/MultiSearch.

 Expectations of the student:

 ·       Attendance at classes: Students are required to participate in online discussions in each of the 13 teaching weeks of Session 1.  Contribution to each week's discussion is necessary but not sufficient to gain a mark for the ‘Participation’ component of the assessment; active participation, demonstrating preparation of readings and other tasks and informed engagement in discussions, is required to secure a mark.  Students are required to contribute at least two postings each week, at least one of which must be substantial (i.e. beginning discussion on a new point, not just a comment on a previous post).  As directed, students should be prepared to lead discussions in some weeks.

 ·       Preparation of weekly readings and tasks: Assigned readings (from Gregory’s Histories and other set readings), which will be detailed under the weekly tasks on the UNITS website for AHPG889, should be read and prepared in advance of class each week.

 ·       Active participation: Students are required to actively participate in discussion in all classes, and to lead discussions in some weeks.

 ·       Assessment: Students are also required to complete and submit on time all 4 assessment items listed under “Assessment Tasks” in the Unit Guide and described on the UNITS web site for AHPG889.

 Weekly work:

 Weekly readings and other tasks are described in detail on the the UNITS web site for AHPG889.

Unit Schedule

  •  For detailed weekly schedule, see unit website.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1

Lecture: Unit Introduction

Week 2

Lecture and discussion

Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Assessment: Structural Analysis due: Wednesday 2 April 2014

Week 6


Mid-Session Recess (2 weeks)


Analysis of book reviews: Tuesday 22 April 2014

(2nd week of Recess)

Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10


Week 11


Week 12


Week 13


Assessment: Long Essay due: Wednesday 18 June 2014

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Academic Honesty Policy

Assessment Policy

Grading Policy

Grade Appeal Policy

Grievance Management Policy

Disruption to Studies Policy The Disruption to Studies Policy is effective from March 3 2014 and replaces the Special Consideration Policy.

In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:

 Specific Policies for AHPG889:

Classes: Attendance at classes: Students are required to attend class in each of the 13 teaching weeks of Session 1; if a student cannot attend, a medical certificate or other documented explanation must be presented to the unit convenor. 

Submission of written assessments (Structural analysis, Analysis of book reviews, Essay): ·      

Late policy: late submissions will attract a penalty of 2% per day (including weekends). ·      

Length policy: each written assignment has a set word limit.  Assignments may be submitted with a 10% margin over or under the required word length.  The word length must be included on the assignment.  Assignments either under or over the 10% margins will be penalized in proportion to the amount they are under/over length margin (i.e. the essay word length is 3,000 words; an essay of 4,000 words is 33% over the limit, 23% over the margin, and so would attract a 23% penalty).

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( provides academic writing resources and study strategies to improve your marks and take control of your study.

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Graduate Capabilities

PG - Discipline Knowledge and Skills

Our postgraduates will be able to demonstrate a significantly enhanced depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content knowledge in their chosen fields.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types
  • Understanding of the historical context of texts
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches

Assessment tasks

  • Structural analysis
  • Essay
  • Class participation

PG - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

Our postgraduates will be capable of utilising and reflecting on prior knowledge and experience, of applying higher level critical thinking skills, and of integrating and synthesising learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments. A characteristic of this form of thinking is the generation of new, professionally oriented knowledge through personal or group-based critique of practice and theory.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Critical analysis of historical texts, including analysis of the narrative dynamics of a text and analysis of the interaction of texts with a range of contemporary document text types
  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches

Assessment tasks

  • Structural analysis
  • Analysis of book reviews
  • Essay
  • Class participation

PG - Research and Problem Solving Capability

Our postgraduates will be capable of systematic enquiry; able to use research skills to create new knowledge that can be applied to real world issues, or contribute to a field of study or practice to enhance society. They will be capable of creative questioning, problem finding and problem solving.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • Application of advanced research skills and methodologies, including deployment of both discipline-specific research tools and online research methods

Assessment tasks

  • Analysis of book reviews
  • Essay

PG - Effective Communication

Our postgraduates will be able to communicate effectively and convey their views to different social, cultural, and professional audiences. They will be able to use a variety of technologically supported media to communicate with empathy using a range of written, spoken or visual formats.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Critical evaluation of a range of interpretative approaches to historical texts, and application of selected approaches
  • Application of advanced academic communication skills, including appropriate levels of oral or online and written skills

Assessment tasks

  • Analysis of book reviews
  • Essay
  • Class participation

Assignment Submission

For External students, all written assignments must be submitted through the Centre for Open Education (COE).

For Evening (Internal) students, all written assignments must be submitted in hard copy through the Arts Student Centre (via the AHIS assignment box) on Level 1, W6A. Students must print and attach a completed coversheet to all submitted work.

 All students must keep a dated electronic copy of their assignments.

Changes since First Published

Date Description
11/03/2014 Error in assessment corrected.