
AHPG826 – Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome

2015 – S1 Evening

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor
Ian Plant
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Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Admission to MAncHist or GradCertAncHist or MA in (Ancient History or Coptic Studies or ECJS or Egyptology or History or Late Antiquity or Ancient Art and Architecture) or PGDipArts in (Ancient History or ECJS) or PGCertArts in (Ancient History or Coptic Studies)
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
This unit may be taken at 700 level by students in the Master of Research program. It may also be taken by students in the Ancient History Honours degree. In each case, the assessment tasks differ from those stated in this unit guide.
Unit description Unit description
There is a general perception that almost all writing in antiquity was by men. However, some important literature written by women has survived, and many other women writers published work that has not been preserved. This unit covers writers from Sappho, who lived in the seventh century BCE, through to Eudocia and Egeria in the fifth century CE. The unit reviews what we know about women writers, and looks at topics such as the authenticity of texts attributed to women and places literature by women into the wider literary and social context of the ancient Graeco-Roman world.

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Advanced critical evaluation of the modern scholarship relevant to the work of these writers. This includes the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin this scholarship.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Advanced communication skills, especially in writing. Students are to show this by preparing a research paper at the editorial standard of a journal article.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Due
Discussion: online & in class 10% Each Week
Seminar Papers 25% Friday of Topic Week
Essay 1 25% Week 8
Essay 2 40% Week 14

Discussion: online & in class

Due: Each Week
Weighting: 10%

Throughout the course you are expected to participate in discussions. Without some kind of weekly contact, it can be all too tempting to disappear off and never return! It is a requirement in this course that you do participate in discussions every week. By ' participate' in these discussions, I mean read the current discussion and make a contribution if you have something to say. You are not obliged to contribute to every discussion, but please do keep yourself up-to-date, and don’t feel shy about expressing an opinion.

Please remember all netiquette rules in regard to posting on the 'Discussions'. You have a responsibility to ensure you respect the views of others. You may not always agree with the comments but never feel you have the right to be abusive or derogatory in any replies you make. Your class mates could be from the next suburb, a country town, Interstate or another Country. Lively discussions are good and valuable, but words can be easily misinterpreted. Insure you read everything before posting. Never post anything in anger. Contact the convener if any messages cause you concern.


Assessment of Participation 

External students

External students are expected to post a comment on the topic of the week each week. You are expected to post at least 12 major postings (ie postings that aren’t replies to other postings but offer a reading or analysis of an aspect of that week’s topic). You are also expected to comment at least once each week on postings by fellow students. You will be assessed on the academic quality of your major postings. By ‘major posting’ I mean a posting where you discuss in depth an aspect of the topic. It does not mean that you have to write a short answer to each question, but that you take one question (or one aspect of that question) and examine it; you might also put up a posting about one of the ancient sources for the week, or one of the pieces of modern scholarship.


Internal Students

You may post online (as above). You are expected to prepare for classes and contribute to the discussion in class. If you do not contribute in class, then a contribution online is essential.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Advanced critical evaluation of the modern scholarship relevant to the work of these writers. This includes the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin this scholarship.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Advanced communication skills, especially in writing. Students are to show this by preparing a research paper at the editorial standard of a journal article.

Seminar Papers

Due: Friday of Topic Week
Weighting: 25%


There are twelve seminar topics (numbered 2-13) plus the introduction in week 1. Choose two of the twelve topics listed and address the questions for each topic very briefly, in no more than 750 words (about two-three pages). You may answer in point form. However, do make sure that you refer to relevant ancient evidence in your answer. Refer also to relevant modern scholarship. You must include a bibliography of works cited. These papers are not meant to be research essays, and are designed to guide your reading of the evidence for women writers and allow regular contact between each student and me as tutor.

These papers will be worth 25% of the total marks for the unit (combined); each paper is worth 12.5%. The topics chosen may not be the same as those addressed in your essays.


Due Dates for Seminar Papers:

Each paper is due on the Friday of the week listed for that topic:

2. Legendary, early, and archaic women writers: fact or fiction?

Date Due: Friday, week 2

3. Sappho: her life and work

Date Due: Friday, week 3

4. Classical Greece: Women writers of the fifth century BC

Date Due: Friday, week 4

5. Hellenistic Greece: the women Poets

Date Due: Friday, week 5

6. Hellenistic Greece: Philosophers

Date Due: Friday, week 6

7. Women writers in Rome

Date Due: Friday, week 7

8. Roman women in Egypt

Date Due: Friday, week 8

9. Graeco-Roman World: Medical & scientific texts

Date Due: Friday, week 9

10. St Perpetua: A Christian Martyr

Date Due: Friday, week 10

11. Proba: A Christian writer of the Fourth Century AD

Date Due: Friday, week 11

12. Egeria: Travel and Christianity in the Roman Empire

Date Due: Friday, week 12

13. Eudocia: the Homeric Christian

Date Due: Friday, week 13


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Advanced critical evaluation of the modern scholarship relevant to the work of these writers. This includes the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin this scholarship.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Advanced communication skills, especially in writing. Students are to show this by preparing a research paper at the editorial standard of a journal article.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Essay 1

Due: Week 8
Weighting: 25%

Research Essay in 1,500 words

Choose one of the Seminar topics, and work the questions given in the topic into an essay.

You should address one of the topics covered in the first seven seminars (seminars 2-7).


Your paper may address the central topics of the seminar, but you may also negotiate changes to specific questions or additional topics you wish to address with me. Your essay must have a question and I advise you to discuss this with me in advance. Send me an email about this in plenty of time. The topics chosen may not be the same as those addressed in your seminar papers.

You should prepare your essay to comply with the submission criteria of a specific academic journal: Ancient History: Resources for Teachers. Details of the requirements of this journal are on the unit's website.



On successful completion you will be able to:
  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Advanced critical evaluation of the modern scholarship relevant to the work of these writers. This includes the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin this scholarship.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Advanced communication skills, especially in writing. Students are to show this by preparing a research paper at the editorial standard of a journal article.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Essay 2

Due: Week 14
Weighting: 40%

Research Essay in 2,500 words

For each essay, choose one of the Seminar topics, and work the questions given in the topic into an essay.

This essay may be based on any seminar (except those you have already written on).

Your paper may address the central topics of the seminar, but you may also negotiate changes to specific questions or additional topics you wish to address with me. Your essay must have a question and I advise you to discuss this with me in advance. Send me an email about this in plenty of time. The topics chosen may not be the same as those addressed in your seminar papers.

You should prepare your essay to comply with the submission criteria of a specific academic journalAncient History: Resources for Teachers. Details of the requirements of this journal are on the unit's website.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Advanced critical evaluation of the modern scholarship relevant to the work of these writers. This includes the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin this scholarship.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Advanced communication skills, especially in writing. Students are to show this by preparing a research paper at the editorial standard of a journal article.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Delivery and Resources


I.M. Plant Women Writers of Ancient Greece an Rome (London, 2004)


 Unit webpage and technology used and required:

This unit can be accessed online at:


PC and Internet access are required. Basic computer skills (e.g., internet browsing) and skills in word processing are also a requirement. All assignments must be submitted online.

Please consult teaching staff for any further, more specific requirements. 




Unit Schedule

Please see separate document on the unit website.

Learning and Teaching Activities


You are expected to attend seminars(internal students), listen to ilecture recordings (external students). These are available on the unit’s website. There is a schedule of seminars on the unit website. You should take part in the discussion of the topics, online and/or in class.


It is vital for you to come to grips with the source material that underpins the study of history. You will be given this material in an online sourcebook. There are some supplementary sources on the unit webpage too. There is additional relevant modern scholarship (listed in the seminar program)for you to read as well.


You are provided with some relevant readings from the ancient sources and modern scholarship. You are encouraged to look further for relevant material.

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Academic Honesty Policy

Assessment Policy

Grading Policy

Grade Appeal Policy

Grievance Management Policy

Disruption to Studies Policy The Disruption to Studies Policy is effective from March 3 2014 and replaces the Special Consideration Policy.

In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results shown in iLearn, or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit

Extensions & Special Consideration


All deadlines are firm unless an extension has been requested before the due date. A penalty for lateness will apply unless a doctor's certificate is supplied. No written work will be accepted for assessment after the end of Week 13. 2% of credit will be deducted per day for assignments handed in late without an extension. If an assessment task is more than two (2) weeks late, and there is no special consideration, students will need the permission of the Unit convenor before submitting that task. Tasks more than two weeks late, without special consideration, will be marked on a Pass/Fail basis. 5% of credit will be deducted for assignments that exceed the word length by 10% or more. Assignments handed in early will not be marked and returned before the due date.


     Always retain a copy of completed tasks in case of loss.


Special Consideration Policy


 Applying for Special Consideration


Students applying for Special Consideration circumstances of three (3) consecutive days duration or more within a study period and/or within a formal examination period must submit an on-line application with the Faculty of Arts.For an application to be valid, it must include a completed Application for Special Consideration form and all supporting documentation.


The online Special Consideration application is found at:


 University Grading Policy




The grade a student receives will signify their overall performance in meeting the learning outcomes of a unit of study. Grades will not be awarded by reference to the achievement of other students nor allocated to fit a predetermined distribution. In determining a grade, due weight will be given to the learning outcomes and level of a unit (ie 100, 200, 300, 800 etc). Graded units will use the following grades:





High Distinction














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Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

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When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Graduate Capabilities

PG - Capable of Professional and Personal Judgment and Initiative

Our postgraduates will demonstrate a high standard of discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgment. They will have the ability to make informed choices and decisions that reflect both the nature of their professional work and their personal perspectives.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2

PG - Discipline Knowledge and Skills

Our postgraduates will be able to demonstrate a significantly enhanced depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content knowledge in their chosen fields.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2

PG - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

Our postgraduates will be capable of utilising and reflecting on prior knowledge and experience, of applying higher level critical thinking skills, and of integrating and synthesising learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments. A characteristic of this form of thinking is the generation of new, professionally oriented knowledge through personal or group-based critique of practice and theory.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.
  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2

PG - Research and Problem Solving Capability

Our postgraduates will be capable of systematic enquiry; able to use research skills to create new knowledge that can be applied to real world issues, or contribute to a field of study or practice to enhance society. They will be capable of creative questioning, problem finding and problem solving.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2

PG - Effective Communication

Our postgraduates will be able to communicate effectively and convey their views to different social, cultural, and professional audiences. They will be able to use a variety of technologically supported media to communicate with empathy using a range of written, spoken or visual formats.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • An ability to analyse the work of these writers. This includes demonstration of an ability to offer critical judgement on the theoretical and methodological principles that underpin their work and the different genres in which they worked.
  • Intellectual independence and autonomy especially in research and writing. Students are expected to attempt to go beyond current scholarship in their written work.
  • Understanding of what is required for publication of a research paper. Students will demonstrate this by preparing a paper to fit the criteria for publication in a relevant academic journal.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2

PG - Engaged and Responsible, Active and Ethical Citizens

Our postgraduates will be ethically aware and capable of confident transformative action in relation to their professional responsibilities and the wider community. They will have a sense of connectedness with others and country and have a sense of mutual obligation. They will be able to appreciate the impact of their professional roles for social justice and inclusion related to national and global issues

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • In depth knowledge of the works of women writers from Ancient Greece and Rome This will include specific topics addressed in the seminars and wider knowledge of their texts and the historical and literary contexts in which they were writing.

Assessment tasks

  • Discussion: online & in class
  • Seminar Papers
  • Essay 1
  • Essay 2