
PICX112 – Strategy and Security in the Indo-Pacific Region

2016 – SP4 OUA

General Information

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff
Jiye Kim
Yves-Heng Lim
Jiye Kim
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description
This unit examines Australia's security in the Indo-Pacific region. It begins with an overview of changing strategic trends in the region, particularly the simultaneous rise of China and India and debates America's role in the Indo-Pacific in the twenty-first century. It then situates Australia in the region as a middle power with wide-ranging interests in regional security and stability. The unit then focuses on the range of non-traditional challenges which affect regional security in the Indo-Pacific and the institutions which exist to manage them. Finally, the unit examines the strategies employed by significant regional actors which influence Australia's prosperity and security in the twenty first century. All enrolment queries should be directed to Open Universities Australia (OUA): see

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Identify key actors in the Indo-Pacific region, and understand their interests and strategies.
  • Explain the role of regional states and intergovernmental organisations in maintaining Indo-Pacific security.
  • Describe Australia's position and its security concerns in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Contrast Australian regional security interests with the interests of other Indo-Pacific states.

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Due
Issue Briefing 20% Week 5
Discussion forum I 15% Week 6
Essay (2,000 words) 50% Week 12
Discussion forum II 15% Week 13

Issue Briefing

Due: Week 5
Weighting: 20%

Topic: 'Great Powers in the Indo-Pacific region'.

The issue brief is a 5 min vodcast.  You are required to first prepare a brief and then record yourself speaking to camera.

You are to choose ONE of the four major powers of the Indo-Pacific (China, the United States, Japan or India) and explain:

  • What are its main security interests in the region.
  • How we could interpret its strategic choices in the region.
  • How its interests and strategy impact the other great powers.
  • How the other great powers have responded.


On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify key actors in the Indo-Pacific region, and understand their interests and strategies.

Discussion forum I

Due: Week 6
Weighting: 15%

Topic: The Indo-Pacific Balance of Power: factors of regional stability and instability.

You are marked for your engagement in this discussion forum.

You will be assigned a group (10 to 15 students per group) and contribute to the debate on factors of regional stability and instability in the Indo-Pacific balance of power.

The forum will be opened for one week (week 6). You are required to make at least three contributions to the forum for a minimum total of 1,000 words.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Identify key actors in the Indo-Pacific region, and understand their interests and strategies.

Essay (2,000 words)

Due: Week 12
Weighting: 50%

On week 10, you will be allocated a choice of two questions related to the topic 'Drivers of Danger and Opportunity in the Indo-Pacific'.

Both questions will require that you use elements of several of the modules covered from week 1 to 10 and produce a structured synthesis.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Explain the role of regional states and intergovernmental organisations in maintaining Indo-Pacific security.

Discussion forum II

Due: Week 13
Weighting: 15%

Topic: Australia's strategic choices in the Indo-Pacific region.

You are marked for your engagement in this discussion forum.

You will be assigned a group (10 to 15 students per group) and contribute to the debate on factors of regional stability and instability in the Indo-Pacific balance of power.

The forum will be opened for one week (week 13). You are required to make at least three contributions to the forum for a minimum total of 1,000 words.

On successful completion you will be able to:
  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Describe Australia's position and its security concerns in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Contrast Australian regional security interests with the interests of other Indo-Pacific states.

Delivery and Resources




  • You should spend an average of 12 hours per week on this unit. This includes listening to lectures prior to seminar or tutorial, reading weekly required materials as detailed in iLearn, and preparing assessments.
  • Internal students are expected to attend all seminar or tutorial sessions, and external students are expected to make significant contributions to on-line activities.
  • In most cases students are required to attempt and submit all major assessment tasks in order to pass the unit.



  • The citations for all the required readings for this unit are available to enrolled students through the unit iLearn site, and at Macquarie University's library site.  Electronic copies of required readings may be accessed through the library or will be made available by other means.



  • Computer and internet access are essential for this unit. Basic computer skills and skills in word processing are also a requirement.
  • This unit has an online presence. Login is via:
  • Students are required to have regular access to a computer and the internet. Mobile devices alone are not sufficient.



  • All text-based assessment tasks are to be submitted, marked and returned electronically.  This will only happen through the unit iLearn site. 
  • Assessment tasks must be submitted as a MS word document by the due date.
  • Most assessment tasks will be subject to a 'TurnitIn' review as an automatic part of the submission process.
  • The granting of extensions is subject to the university’s Disruptions Policy. Extensions will not in normal circumstances be granted by unit conveners or tutors, but must be lodged through wellbeing.




  • If an assignment is submitted late, 5% of the available mark will be deducted for each day (including weekends) the paper is late.
  • For example, if a paper is worth 20 marks, 1 mark will be deducted from the grade given for each day that it is late (i.e. a student given 15/20 who submitted 4 days late will lose 4 marks = 11/20).
  • The same principle applies if an extension is granted and the assignment is submitted later than the amended date.




  • Stated word limits include footnotes and footnoted references, but not bibliography, or title page.
  • Word limits can generally deviate by 10% either over or under the stated figure.
  • If the number of words exceeds the limit by more than 10%, then penalties will apply. These penalties are 5% of the awarded mark for every 100 words over the word limit. If a paper is 300 words over, for instance, it will lose 3 x 5% = 15% of the total mark awarded for the assignment. This percentage is taken off the total mark, i.e. if a paper was graded at a credit (65%) and was 300 words over, it would be reduced by 15 marks to a pass (50%).
  • The application of this penalty is at the discretion of the course convener.



  • Macquarie University operates a Grade Appeal Policy in cases where students feel their work was graded inappropriately.



  • Department staff will endeavor to answer student enquiries in a timely manner. However, emails or iLearn messages will not usually be answered over the weekend or public holiday period.
  • Students are encouraged to read the Unit Guide and look at instructions posted on the iLearn site before sending email requests to staff.


Unit Schedule

Module 1: The Indo-Pacific region: Thinking about regional systems and regional order.

Module 2: Will China dominate the Indo-Pacific region or why should we care about who is number one.

Module 3: Dominating, shaping, pivoting: the role of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region.

Module 4: From potential to actual great power? Japan’s role in the Indo-Pacific region.

Module 5: Is India (really) rising?

Module 6: Great Power relations in the Indo-Pacific region: Cooperation, Competition or Confrontation?

Module 7: It’s the story of a tanker that leaves the Persian Gulf and heads East… Sea Lines of Communication and economic security.

Module 8: Will China invade Taiwan? And why should anyone care if it does?

Module 9: Why border conflicts in the Indo-Pacific region are no thing of the past.

Module 10: War over rocks: Could South China Sea disputes erupt into a conflict?

Module 11: Armageddon ahead? Nuclear weapons in the Indo-Pacific region.

Module 12: Is ASEAN irrelevant? Thinking about the role of regional institutions in conflict management.

Module 13: Constrained choices for a middle power: Australia’s strategic options.

Policies and Procedures

Late Submission - applies unless otherwise stated elsewhere in the unit guide

Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, (a) a penalty for lateness will apply – two (2) marks out of 100 will be deducted per day for assignments submitted after the due date – and (b) no assignment will be accepted more than seven (7) days (incl. weekends) after the original submission deadline. No late submissions will be accepted for timed assessments – e.g. quizzes, online tests.

Extension Request

Special Consideration Policy and Procedure (

The University recognises that students may experience events or conditions that adversely affect their academic performance. If you experience serious and unavoidable difficulties at exam time or when assessment tasks are due, you can consider applying for Special Consideration.

You need to show that the circumstances:

  1. were serious, unexpected and unavoidable
  2. were beyond your control
  3. caused substantial disruption to your academic work
  4. substantially interfered with your otherwise satisfactory fulfilment of the unit requirements
  5. lasted at least three consecutive days or a total of 5 days within the teaching period and prevented completion of an assessment task scheduled for a specific date.

If you feel that your studies have been impacted submit an application as follows:

  1. Visit Ask MQ and use your OneID to log in
  2. Fill in your relevant details
  3. Attach supporting documents by clicking 'Add a reply', click 'Browse' and navigating to the files you want to attach, then click 'Submit Form' to send your notification and supporting documents
  4. Please keep copies of your original documents, as they may be requested in the future as part of the assessment process


Once your submission is assessed, an appropriate outcome will be organised.

OUA Specific Policies and Procedures

Withdrawal from a unit after the census date

You can withdraw from your subjects prior to the census date (last day to withdraw). If you successfully withdraw before the census date, you won’t need to apply for Special Circumstances. If you find yourself unable to withdraw from your subjects before the census date - you might be able to apply for Special Circumstances. If you’re eligible, we can refund your fees and overturn your fail grade.

If you’re studying Single Subjects using FEE-HELP or paying up front, you can apply online.

If you’re studying a degree using HECS-HELP, you’ll need to apply directly to Macquarie University.

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central. Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

Academic Honesty Policy

New Assessment Policy in effect from Session 2 2016 For more information visit

Assessment Policy prior to Session 2 2016

Grading Policy prior to Session 2 2016

Grade Appeal Policy

Complaint Management Procedure for Students and Members of the Public​

Disruption to Studies Policy The Disruption to Studies Policy is effective from March 3 2014 and replaces the Special Consideration Policy.

In addition, a number of other policies can be found in the Learning and Teaching Category of Policy Central.

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:


Results shown in iLearn, or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

Learning Skills

Learning Skills ( provides academic writing resources and study strategies to improve your marks and take control of your study.

Student Services and Support

Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.

Student Enquiries

For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at

IT Help

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Graduate Capabilities

Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills

Our graduates will take with them the intellectual development, depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content in their chosen fields to make them competent and confident in their subject or profession. They will be able to demonstrate, where relevant, professional technical competence and meet professional standards. They will be able to articulate the structure of knowledge of their discipline, be able to adapt discipline-specific knowledge to novel situations, and be able to contribute from their discipline to inter-disciplinary solutions to problems.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Identify key actors in the Indo-Pacific region, and understand their interests and strategies.
  • Explain the role of regional states and intergovernmental organisations in maintaining Indo-Pacific security.
  • Describe Australia's position and its security concerns in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Contrast Australian regional security interests with the interests of other Indo-Pacific states.

Assessment tasks

  • Issue Briefing
  • Discussion forum I
  • Essay (2,000 words)
  • Discussion forum II

Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking

We want our graduates to be capable of reasoning, questioning and analysing, and to integrate and synthesise learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments; to be able to critique constraints, assumptions and limitations; to be able to think independently and systemically in relation to scholarly activity, in the workplace, and in the world. We want them to have a level of scientific and information technology literacy.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Identify key actors in the Indo-Pacific region, and understand their interests and strategies.
  • Explain the role of regional states and intergovernmental organisations in maintaining Indo-Pacific security.
  • Describe Australia's position and its security concerns in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Contrast Australian regional security interests with the interests of other Indo-Pacific states.

Assessment tasks

  • Issue Briefing
  • Discussion forum I
  • Essay (2,000 words)
  • Discussion forum II

Problem Solving and Research Capability

Our graduates should be capable of researching; of analysing, and interpreting and assessing data and information in various forms; of drawing connections across fields of knowledge; and they should be able to relate their knowledge to complex situations at work or in the world, in order to diagnose and solve problems. We want them to have the confidence to take the initiative in doing so, within an awareness of their own limitations.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the key security challenges and drivers of insecurity in the contemporary Indo-Pacific region.
  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.

Assessment task

  • Essay (2,000 words)

Effective Communication

We want to develop in our students the ability to communicate and convey their views in forms effective with different audiences. We want our graduates to take with them the capability to read, listen, question, gather and evaluate information resources in a variety of formats, assess, write clearly, speak effectively, and to use visual communication and communication technologies as appropriate.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcomes

  • Identify and explain potential flash points for regional conflict and insecurity.
  • Explain the role of regional states and intergovernmental organisations in maintaining Indo-Pacific security.
  • Describe Australia's position and its security concerns in relation to the Indo-Pacific region.

Assessment tasks

  • Issue Briefing
  • Discussion forum I
  • Essay (2,000 words)
  • Discussion forum II

Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens

As local citizens our graduates will be aware of indigenous perspectives and of the nation's historical context. They will be engaged with the challenges of contemporary society and with knowledge and ideas. We want our graduates to have respect for diversity, to be open-minded, sensitive to others and inclusive, and to be open to other cultures and perspectives: they should have a level of cultural literacy. Our graduates should be aware of disadvantage and social justice, and be willing to participate to help create a wiser and better society.

This graduate capability is supported by:

Learning outcome

  • Contrast Australian regional security interests with the interests of other Indo-Pacific states.

Assessment task

  • Essay (2,000 words)

Overview of the changes to PICT112

This unit has been redesigned for 2016. The unit will broadly address the same set of regional issues as in the past but in a different order and from a slightly different perspective.