Unit convenor and teaching staff |
Unit convenor and teaching staff
Unit Convenor
Dr Stefan Solomon
Contact via Email
10HA 152
Tuesday 10AM-12PM or by appointment
Tutor and Lecturer
Dr Dennis Bruining
Contact via Email
By appointment
Credit points |
Credit points
Prerequisites |
12cp at 100 level or above
Corequisites |
Co-badged status |
Co-badged status
Unit description |
Unit description
This unit is an introduction to: 1) some of the main theoretical issues and debates that have defined film studies as an area of cultural interest; and 2) some of the key historical moments in classical Hollywood filmmaking and international filmmaking (from the 1940s through to more recent times). Lectures and tutorials, in conjunction with weekly film screenings, consider topics such as the codes, conventions, and aesthetics of film narrative; film genres; film styles; film canons; modes of storytelling; the relation between fiction film and documentary film (and their hybrids).
Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at https://www.mq.edu.au/study/calendar-of-dates
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Special Consideration
Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, (a) a penalty for lateness will apply – two (2) marks out of 100 will be deducted per day for assignments submitted after the due date – and (b) no assignment will be accepted more than seven (7) days (incl. weekends) after the original submission deadline. No late submissions will be accepted for timed assessments – e.g. quizzes, online tests.
Please familiarise yourself with the relevant policy and procedures regarding applications for Special Considerations here: https://students.mq.edu.au/study/my-study-program/special-consideration. You must submit an application for Special Consideration through AskMQ: https://ask.mq.edu.au.
Re-Mark Application
You may request a re-mark of formative assessments graded and returned in session. Any re-mark of final assessments will be determined through the university grade appeal process.
Applications for re-mark will be considered ONLY on the following grounds:
1. Administrative error
2. No feedback was provided on the assessment
3. The feedback provided on the assessment does not justify the grade awarded
In case you wish to apply for a re-mark, download the following form and follow the Student Procedure as outlined in the form: http://www.mq.edu.au/pubstatic/public/download/?id=167914
Name | Weighting | Hurdle | Due |
Engagement | 20% | No | Week 2-13 ongoing |
Online Quiz | 15% | No | Monday April 1, 23.59 |
Film Log | 25% | No | Monday April 15, 23.59 |
Major Essay | 40% | No | Friday June 7, 17.00 |
Due: Week 2-13 ongoing
Weighting: 20%
You are expected to actively engage in your tutorial and to contribute to discussions in all tutorials during the semester. All students are required to actively engage by:
- listening to the weekly lecture and completing the weekly readings before each tutorial
- viewing the the weekly film before each tutorial
- participating in class discussion and activities
- engaging with your classmates during tutorials by responding to classmates' questions and providing feedback to each other
- bringing along draft work for class activities and writing workshops. For example, some tutorial time will be dedicated to workshopping film log entries and essay plans. In order to engage in these workshop activities, students will need to prepare draft materials as advised and be ready to workshop them in class. Students will be advised ahead of time via iLearn and in class when to prepare these draft materials.
You must notify your tutor as soon as possible if you believe you may be absent from tutorials at any stage and you should provide your tutor with evidence of a medical or personal emergency.
A rubric for grading your engagement is posted on iLearn and will be discussed in class during the first tutorial in Week 2.
Due: Monday April 1, 23.59
Weighting: 15%
This is a multiple choice test that students can access via iLearn. The test will require students to answer a series of multiple choice questions relating to the key readings, films, and lecture content from Weeks 1- 5. The test will open on Friday March 30 at 17.00 (5pm) and close on Monday April 1 at 23.59 (11.59pm). The correct answers to the test will be made available after the test has closed.
This test is designed to provide early feedback for students. Key concepts covered in Week 1-5 will inform subsequent topics in the unit. Therefore, the test will give students the opportunity to consider which concepts and ideas they have understood, as well as identify areas for improvement in understanding.
Marking criteria
Due: Monday April 15, 23.59
Weighting: 25%
The film log takes the form of five brief (250 word entries). You need to write an entry on five films and related readings chosen from the first seven weeks of the unit.
Each entry should consider one or two issues, of your choosing, raised by that particular week’s readings in relation to the film. The entry should NOT RECOUNT the film or the reading but should offer a concise critical analysis of a particular scene, character, and so on.
Examples of film log entries will be available on ilearn and we will be discussing and work-shopping how to write a successful film log entry during tutorials.
The film logs are due on Monday April 15 at 23.59 (11.59pm).
Due: Friday June 7, 17.00
Weighting: 40%
2000 word research essay. Essay topic, marking rubrics and detailed instructions will be distributed in class and posted on iLearn.
The due date is Friday June 7 at 17.00 (5pm).
Please consult the MQ timetable website for up to date timetabling of lectures and tutorials:
Please note, you must attend the tutorial you are enrolled in. If you wish to change your tutorial time you can do so via e-student. Your tutor/lecturer will not be able to change your tutorial enrolment. Do not turn up to a tutorial that you are not enrolled in. We cannot accept extra students into a fully enrolled tutorial.
Tutorials begin in Week Two.
This unit has a 3 hour screening and lecture slot (consisting of a 50 min lecture and a full length film screening) and a one hour tutorial every week. Lectures are recorded and available through iLearn, however students are strongly encouraged to attend lectures. Lectures are often interactive and some material shown in lectures can't be recorded through Echo360. The films screened will also be available through the Reserve section of the library, and some films are available for viewing through Kanopy or EduTV via the library website. Tutorial attendance is compulsory. Students are required to prepare for tutorials by having attended or listened to the lecture, having viewed the film, having done the week’s readings and prepared questions and notes. If you miss tutorials without medical certification or other evidence of disruption this will impact on your 'Engagement' mark for the unit.
Outside of class attendance students should expect to spend approximately seven hours each week reading, preparing for tutorials and researching and planning for assignments.
Required readings are available online through the MQ Library website. To access readings you need to click on the "Unit Readings" tab on the library's home page.
There is a list of further recommended reading for each topic - please refer to iLearn.
Lectures will be recorded and available on iLearn. Details on readings, assessments and links to relevant material will be available on ilearn. Students are expected to regularly check iLearn and their MQ email addresses for announcements.
During the semester you will receive feedback in many forms. Sometimes this feedback will be verbal and informal and will come from your tutor such as during tutorials or lectures when you offer up ideas or questions. At times your tutor and lecturer will also offer more general feedback about the group's progress during tutorials. At other times feedback will be more formal, in the case of written feedback on your final essay or the posted correct responses to the questions in the online quiz.
You will also receive valuable feedback from your peers through the semester. This will take the form of written comments on the student forum on ilearn and through activities and discussion during tutorials.
Please see iLearn for detailed information about topics, readings, relevant films and further reading suggestions.
Week 1, February 27 - Gilda: Introduction to MAS205
Week 2, March 6 - Fargo: Film and Narrative
Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. 2017. “Narrative Form.” In Film Art: An Introduction, Eleventh edition., 72–111. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Luhr, William. 2004. “Fargo: ‘Far Removed From the Stereotypes Of...’” In The Coen Brothers’ Fargo, edited by William Luhr, 92–108. Cambridge Film Handbooks Series. Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Week 3, March 13 - Psycho: Film and Sound
Biancorosso, Giorgio. 2008. “Sound.” In The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film, 260–67. London: Routledge.
Sullivan, Jack. 2006. “Psycho: The Music of Terror.” Cineaste 32 (1): 20–28.
Week 4, March 20 - Todo Sobre Mi Madre: Film and Genre
Gledhill, Christine. 2000. “Rethinking Genre.” In Reinventing Film Studies, edited by Christine Gledhill and Linda Williams, 221–43. London: Oxford University Press.
Allinson, Mark. 2009. “Mimesis and Diegesis: Almodóvar and the Limits of Melodrama.” In All about Almodóvar: A Passion for Cinema, edited by Bradley S. Epps and Despina Kakoudaki, 141–65. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Week 5, March 27 - Caché: History and Memory
Ezra, Elizabeth, and Jane Sillars. 2007. “Hidden in Plain Sight: Bringing Terror Home.” Screen 48 (2): 215–21. *
Gilroy, Paul. 2007. “Shooting Crabs in a Barrel.” Screen 48 (2): 233–35.
Week 6, April 3 - Ten Canoes: Australian Contexts
Davis, Therese. 2006. "Working Together: Two Cultures, One Film, Many Canoes." Senses of Cinema 41 (November). http://sensesofcinema.com/2006/feature-articles/ten-canoes/ (accessed 4/2/18).
French, Lisa. 2014. "David Gulpilil, Aboriginal humour and Australian cinema." Studies in Australasian Cinema 8 (1): 1-10.
Week 7, April 10 - Orlando: Feminism and Film
Smelik, Anneke. 2016. “Feminist Film Theory.” In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, edited by Angela Wong, Maithree Wickramasinghe, Renee Hoogland, and Nancy A. Naples, 1–5. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mayer, Sophie. 2016. “Introduction: Girls to the Front.” In Political Animals: The New Feminist Cinema. London: IB Tauris.
Ciecko, Anne. 1998. “Transgender, Transgenre, and the Transnational: Sally Potter’s Orlando.” Velvet Light Trap, no. 41: 19–34.
Week 8, May 1 - Paris is Burning: Modes of Documentary
Nichols, Bill. 2010. “How Can We Define Documentary Film?” In Introduction to Documentary, 1–41. Indiana University Press.
Izod, John, and Richard Kilborn. 1998. “The Documentary.” In The Oxford Guide to Film Studies, 426–33. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Week 9, May 8 - Les Plages d'Agnès: Autobiographical Films
Russell, Catherine. 1999. “Autoethnography: Journeys of the Self.” In Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video, 275–301. Durham: Duke University Press.
Bluher, Dominique. 2013. "Autobiography, (Re-)enactment and the Performative Self-Portrait in Varda's Les Plages d'Agnès/The Beaches of Agnès (2008)." Studies in European Cinema 10 (1): 59-69.
Week 10, May 15 - Citizen Kane: Critiquing Canons
Rosenbaum, Jonathan 2004. “Introduction.” In Essential Cinema: On the Necessity of Film Canons, xiii–xxi. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Wollen, Peter. 2004. “Citizen Kane.” In Orson Welles’s Citizen Kane: A Casebook, edited by James Naremore, 249–62. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
Schrader, Paul. 2006. “Canon Fodder.” Film Comment 42 (5): 33–49.
Week 11, May 22 - À bout de souffle: The French New Wave
Andrew, Dudley. 1987. “Breathless: Old as New.” In Breathless, edited by Dudley Andrew, 3–20. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Vincendeau, Ginette. 2009. “Introduction: Fifty Years of the French New Wave.” In The French New Wave: Critical Landmarks, edited by Ginette Vincendeau and Peter John Graham, [New ed.]. London: BFI/Palgrave Macmillan.
Week 12, May 29 - Chungking Express: Auteurs and Wong Kar-wai
Cameron, Allan. 2007. "Trajectories of Identification: Travel and Global Culture in the Films of Wong Kar-wai." Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media 49. https://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/jc49.2007/wongKarWai/index.html (accessed 4/2/18).
Week 13, June 7 - Major Essay submission
Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central (https://staff.mq.edu.au/work/strategy-planning-and-governance/university-policies-and-procedures/policy-central). Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:
Undergraduate students seeking more policy resources can visit the Student Policy Gateway (https://students.mq.edu.au/support/study/student-policy-gateway). It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.
If you would like to see all the policies relevant to Learning and Teaching visit Policy Central (https://staff.mq.edu.au/work/strategy-planning-and-governance/university-policies-and-procedures/policy-central).
Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct: https://students.mq.edu.au/study/getting-started/student-conduct
Results published on platform other than eStudent, (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent. For more information visit ask.mq.edu.au or if you are a Global MBA student contact globalmba.support@mq.edu.au
Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit http://students.mq.edu.au/support/
Learning Skills (mq.edu.au/learningskills) provides academic writing resources and study strategies to improve your marks and take control of your study.
Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Service who can provide appropriate help with any issues that arise during their studies.
For all student enquiries, visit Student Connect at ask.mq.edu.au
If you are a Global MBA student contact globalmba.support@mq.edu.au
For help with University computer systems and technology, visit http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/offices_and_units/information_technology/help/.
When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy. The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.
Our graduates will also be capable of creative thinking and of creating knowledge. They will be imaginative and open to experience and capable of innovation at work and in the community. We want them to be engaged in applying their critical, creative thinking.
This graduate capability is supported by:
We want our graduates to have emotional intelligence and sound interpersonal skills and to demonstrate discernment and common sense in their professional and personal judgement. They will exercise initiative as needed. They will be capable of risk assessment, and be able to handle ambiguity and complexity, enabling them to be adaptable in diverse and changing environments.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Our graduates will have enquiring minds and a literate curiosity which will lead them to pursue knowledge for its own sake. They will continue to pursue learning in their careers and as they participate in the world. They will be capable of reflecting on their experiences and relationships with others and the environment, learning from them, and growing - personally, professionally and socially.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Our graduates will take with them the intellectual development, depth and breadth of knowledge, scholarly understanding, and specific subject content in their chosen fields to make them competent and confident in their subject or profession. They will be able to demonstrate, where relevant, professional technical competence and meet professional standards. They will be able to articulate the structure of knowledge of their discipline, be able to adapt discipline-specific knowledge to novel situations, and be able to contribute from their discipline to inter-disciplinary solutions to problems.
This graduate capability is supported by:
We want our graduates to be capable of reasoning, questioning and analysing, and to integrate and synthesise learning and knowledge from a range of sources and environments; to be able to critique constraints, assumptions and limitations; to be able to think independently and systemically in relation to scholarly activity, in the workplace, and in the world. We want them to have a level of scientific and information technology literacy.
This graduate capability is supported by:
Our graduates should be capable of researching; of analysing, and interpreting and assessing data and information in various forms; of drawing connections across fields of knowledge; and they should be able to relate their knowledge to complex situations at work or in the world, in order to diagnose and solve problems. We want them to have the confidence to take the initiative in doing so, within an awareness of their own limitations.
This graduate capability is supported by:
We want to develop in our students the ability to communicate and convey their views in forms effective with different audiences. We want our graduates to take with them the capability to read, listen, question, gather and evaluate information resources in a variety of formats, assess, write clearly, speak effectively, and to use visual communication and communication technologies as appropriate.
This graduate capability is supported by:
As local citizens our graduates will be aware of indigenous perspectives and of the nation's historical context. They will be engaged with the challenges of contemporary society and with knowledge and ideas. We want our graduates to have respect for diversity, to be open-minded, sensitive to others and inclusive, and to be open to other cultures and perspectives: they should have a level of cultural literacy. Our graduates should be aware of disadvantage and social justice, and be willing to participate to help create a wiser and better society.
This graduate capability is supported by: